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@ -580,7 +580,7 @@ Now we can use the multiplication principle to count permutations.
$ (n)_k = n dot (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1) = n! / (n-k)! $
$ (n)_k = n dot (n - 1) ... (n - k + 1) = n! / (n-k)! $
In particular, with $k=n$, each $n$-tuple is an ordering or _permutation_ of $A$. So the total number of permutations of a set of $n$ elements is $n!$.
In particular, with $k=n$, each $n$-tuple is an ordering or _permutation_ of $A$. So the total number of permutations of a set of $n$ elements is $n!$.
We construct the $k$-tuples sequentially. For the first element, we choose
We construct the $k$-tuples sequentially. For the first element, we choose
@ -592,3 +592,106 @@ Now we can use the multiplication principle to count permutations.
@tuplemultiplication the number of $k$-tuples being $n dot (n - 1) dot ...
@tuplemultiplication the number of $k$-tuples being $n dot (n - 1) dot ...
dot (n - k + 1) = (n)_k$.
dot (n - k + 1) = (n)_k$.
Consider a round table with 8 seats.
+ In how many ways can we seat 8 guests around the table?
+ In how many ways can we do this if we do not differentiate between seating arrangements that are rotations of each other?
For (1), we easily see that we're simply asking for permutations of an
8-tuple, so $8!$ is the answer.
For (2), we number each person and each seat from 1-8, then always place person 1 in seat 1, and count the permutations of the other 7 people in the other 7 seats. Then the answer is $7!$.
Alternatively, notice that each arrangement has 8 equivalent arrangements under rotation. So the answer is $8!/8 = 7!$.
== Counting from sets
We turn our attention to sets, which unlike tuples are unordered collections.
Let $n,k in NN$ with $0 <= k <= n$. The numbers of distinct subsets of size $k$ that a set of size $n$ has is given by the *binomial coefficient*
$ vec(n,k) = n! / (k! (n-k)!) $
Let $A$ be a set of size $n$. By @permutation, $n!/(n-k)!$ unique ordered
$k$-tuples can be constructed from elements of $A$. Each subset of $A$ of
size $k$ has exactly $k!$ different orderings, and hence appears exactly $k!$
times among the ordered $k$-tuples. Thus the number of subsets of size $k$ is
$n! / (k! (n-k)!)$.
In a class there are 12 boys and 14 girls. How many different teams of 7 pupils
with 3 boys and 4 girls can be create?
First let us compute how many subsets of size 3 we can choose from the 12 boys and how many subsets of size 4 we can choose from the 14 girls.
"boys" &= vec(12,3) \
"girls" &= vec(14,4)
Then let us consider the entire team as a 2-tuple of (boys, girls). Then
there are $vec(12,3)$ alternatives for the choice of boys, and $vec(14,4)$ alternatives for
the choice of girls, so by the multiplication principle, we have the total being
$ vec(12,3) vec(14,4) $
Color the numbers 1, 2 red, the numbers 3, 4 green, and the numbers 5, 6
yellow. How many different two-element subsets of $A$ are there that have two
different colors?
First choose 2 colors, $vec(3,2) = 3$. Then from each color, choose one. Altogether it's
$ vec(3,2) vec(2,1) vec(2,1) = 3 dot 2 dot 2 = 12 $
One way to view $vec(n,k)$ is as the number of ways of painting $n$ elements
with two colors, red and yellow, with $k$ red and $n - k$ yellow elements. Let
us generalize to more than two colors.
Let $n$ and $r$ be positive integers and $k_1, ..., k_r$ nonnegative integers
such that $k_1 + dots.c + k_r = n$. The number of ways of assigning labels
$1,2, ..., r$ to $n$ items so that for each $i = 1, 2, ..., r$, exactly $k_i$
items receive label $i$, is the *multinomial coefficient*
$ vec(n, (k_1, k_2, ..., k_r)) = vec(n!, k_1 ! k_2 ! dots.c k_r !) $
Order the $n$ integers in some manner, and assign labels like this: for the
first $k_1$ integers, assign the label 1, then for the next $k_2$ integers,
assign the label 2, and so on. The $i$th label will be assigned to all the
integers between positions $k_1 + dots.c + k_(i-1) + 1$ and $k_1 + dots.c +
Then notice that all possible orderings (permutations) of the integers gives
every possible way to label the integers. However, we overcount by some
amount. How much? The order of the integers with a given label don't matter,
so we need to deduplicate those.
Each set of labels is duplicated once for each way we can order all of the
elements with the same label. For label $i$, there are $k_i$ elements with
that label, so $k_i !$ ways to order those. By @tuplemultiplication, we know
that we can express the combined amount of ways each group of $k_1, ..., k_i$
numbers are labeled as $k_1 ! k_2 ! k_3 ! dots.c k_r !$.
So by @ktoone, we can account for the duplicates and the answer is
$ n! / (k_1 ! k_2 ! k_3 ! dots.c k_r !) $
@multinomial-coefficient gives us a way to count how many ways there are to
fit $n$ distinguishable objects into $r$ distinguishable containers of
varying capacity.
To find the amount of ways to fit $n$ distinguishable objects into $k$
indistinguishable containers of equal capacity, use the "ball-and-urn"
Reference in a new issue