auto-update(nvim): 2025-03-03 18:25:32
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@ -1103,6 +1103,49 @@ The equilibrium solution $arrow(x)(t) = vec(0,0)$ is stable (as $t$ moves in
either direction it tends to $vec(0,0)$ namely because it doesn't depend on
$t$). It's an example of a *node*.
== Imaginary eigenvalues
Consider the $2 times 2$ system
arrow(x)' = mat(1,-1;2,3) arrow(x)
Then the eigenvalues/vectors are
r_1 = 2 + i, arrow(v)_1 = vec(-1,2) + i vec(1,0) \
r_2 = 2 - i, arrow(v)_2 = vec(-1,2) - i vec(1,0)
We have complex solutions
arrow(x)(t) = e^((2+i) t) (vec(-1,2) + i vec(1,0)) \
= e^(2t) (cos t + i sin t) (vec(-1,2) + i vec(1,0))
Now we can build two linearly independent real solutions out of one solution.
Check that
arrow(x)_"Re" (t) = e^(2t) (cos t vec(-1,2) - sin t vec(1,0)) = vec(-e^(2t) cos t - e^(2t) sin t,2e^(2t) cos t)
is a solution to the system.
In general it turns out for an $n times n$ system,
arrow(x)' = A arrow(x)
If the eigenvalues/vectors are
r_(1,2) = lambda plus.minus i mu
arrow(v)_(1,2) = arrow(a) plus.minus i arrow(b)
then we have two real and fundamental solutions
arrow(x)_"Re" (t) = e^(lambda t) (cos(mu t) arrow(a) - sin(mu t) arrow(b)) \
arrow(x)_"Im" (t) = e^(lambda t) (sin(mu t) arrow(a) + cos(mu t) arrow(b)) \
= Repeated eigenvalues, nonhomogenous systems
== Classification of equilibria $n=2$
@ -1146,6 +1189,32 @@ As long as $arrow(u)$ solves $(A - r_1 I) arrow(u) = arrow(v)_1$, it works.
We can *always* find the rest of our solution space with this method.
Consider the system
arrow(x) = mat(1,-2;2,-3) arrow(x)
on $[a,b]$.
The matrix has eigenvalue and eigenvector
r_1 = -1 "and" arrow(v)_1 = vec(1,1)
Find a generalized eigenvector $arrow(u)$ that satisfies
(A - r_1 I) arrow(u) = arrow(v)_1
Such an $arrow(u)$ could be $vec(1/2, 0)$. Now we write the general solution
arrow(x)_1 (t) = e^(-t) vec(1,1), arrow(x)_2 (t) = t e^(-t) vec(1,1) + e^(-t) vec(1/2,0) = e^(-t) vec(t+ 1/2, t)
And the general solution is
arrow(x) (t) = c_1 e^(-t) vec(1,1) + c_2 e^(-t) vec(t + 1/2, t)
== Nonhomogenous linear system
Like before, when we have a set of fundamental solutions to the homogenous
@ -2647,3 +2647,217 @@ where $f_(X,Y) (x,y) >= 0$ for all possible $(x,y)$ and $integral _y integral _x
where any $f(x_1,...,x_n) >= 0$ and we always integrate to unity.
= Lecture #datetime(day: 3, month: 3, year: 2025).display()
== Conditioning on an event
Let event $A = {X=k}$ for a discrete random variable $X$, then
Let $X$ be a discrete random variable and $B$ an event with $P(B) > 0$. Then
the *conditional probability mass function* of $X$, given $B$, is the
function $p_(X | B)$ defined as follows for all possible values $k$ of $X$:
p_(X|B) (k) = P(X = k | B) = P({X=k} sect B) / P(B)
Let $X$ be a discrete random variable and $B$ an event with $P(B) > 0$. Then
the *conditional expectation* of $X$, given the event $B$ is given by
$EE[X|B]$ and defined as:
EE[X | B] = sum_k k p_(X|B) (k) = sum_k k P(X=k | B)
where the sum ranges over all possible values $k$ of $X$.
== Law of total probability
Let $Omega$ be a sample space, $X$ a discrete random variable on $Omega$, and
$B_1,...,B_n$ a partition on $Omega$ such that each $P(B_i) > 0$. Then the
(unconditional) probability mass function of $X$ can be calculated by
averaging the conditional probability mass functions,
p_X (k) = sum_(i=1)^n p_(X|B_i) (k) P(B_i)
Let $X$ denote the number of customers that arrive in my store tomorrow. If the day is rainy, $X$ is $"Poisson"(lambda)$ and if the day is dry, $X$ is $"Poisson"(mu)$. Suppose the probability it rains tomorrow is 0.10. Find the probability max function and expectation of $X$.
Let $B$ be the event that it rains tomorrow. Then $P(B) = 0.10$. The conditional PMF and conditional expectation is given by
p_(X|B) (k) = e^(-lambda) lambda^k / k!, p_(X|B^c) (k) = e^(-mu) mu^k / k!
EE[X|B] = lambda, EE[X|B^c] = mu
The unconditional PMF is given by
p_X (k) &= P(B) p_(X|B) (k) + P(B^c) p_(X|B^c) (k) \
&= 1 / 10 e^(-lambda) lambda^k / k! + 9 / 10 e^(-mu) mu^k / k!
== Conditioning on a random variable
Let $X$ and $Y$ be discrete random variables. Then the *conditional probability mass function* of $X$ given $Y=y$ is the following:
p_(X|Y) (x|y) = P(X=x | Y = y) = P(X = x, Y = y) / P(Y=y) = (p_(X,Y) (x,y)) / (p_Y (y))
The conditional expectation of $X$ given $Y = y$ is
EE[X | Y=y] = sum_x x p_(X|Y) (x|y)
These definitions are valid for all $y$ such that $P(y) > 0$.
Suppose an insect lays some number of eggs, $X$. Of those eggs, some hatch and
some won't, with probability $p$, and each egg hatching independent of the
others. Let $Y$ represent the number of the $x$ eggs that hatch.
X ~ "Pois"(lambda) \
Y | X = x ~ "Bin"(x,p)
What is the marginal distribution of $Y$, $p_Y (y)$?
p_(X,Y) (x,y) &= p_X (x) dot p_(Y|X=x) (y) \
&= e^(-lambda) lambda^x / x! dot vec(x,y) p^y q^(x-y) \
&= e^(-lambda) lambda^x / cancel(x!) dot cancel(x!) / (y! (x-y)!) p^y q^(x-y) \
p_Y (y) &= sum_x p_(X,Y) (x,y) = sum_(x=0)^infinity p_(X,Y) (x,y) \
&= e^(-lambda) p^y / y! = sum_(x=y)^infinity (lambda^y dot lambda^(x-y) q^(x-y)) / (x-y)! = e^(-lambda (1-q)) (lambda p)^y / y! = e^(-lambda p) (lambda p)^y / y! \
&= "Pois"(lambda p)
== Continuous marginal/conditional distributions
The conditional probability density function of $X$ given $Y = y$ is given by
X | Y = y ~ f_(X|Y) (x) = f(x,y) / f_y(y)
and the corresponding probability density function of $Y$ given $X = x$,
Y | X = x ~ f_(Y|X=x) (y) = f(x,y) / f_X(x)
For example, where $X = "height"$, $Y = "weight"$, which is fixed at 150 lbs,
and we want the distribution of heights where the weight value is $y = 150$.
The conditional probability that $X in A$ given $Y = y$, is
PP(X in A | Y = y) = integral_A f_(X|Y) (x|y) dif x
The conditional expectation of $g$, given $Y = y$, is
EE[g(X) | Y = y] = integral_(-infinity)^infinity g(x) f_(X|Y) (x|y) dif x
Let $X$ and $Y$ be jointly continuous. Then
f_X (x) = integral_(-infinity)^infinity f_(X|Y) (x|y) f_Y (y) dif y
For any function $g$ where the expectation makes sense, is then
EE[g(X)] = integral^infinity_(-infinity) EE[g(X) | Y = y] f_Y (y) dif y
Let $X$ and $Y$ be discrete or jointly continuous random variables. The
*conditional expectation* of $X$ given $Y$, denoted $EE[X|Y]$, is by
definition the RV $v(Y)$ where the function $v$ is defined by $v(y)$ where
the function $v$ is defined by $v(y) = EE[X | Y = y]$.
Note the distinction between $EE[X | Y=y]$ and $EE[X|Y]$. The first is a number, the second is a random variable. The possible values (support) of $EE[X|Y]$ is precisely the numbers $EE[X | Y = y]$ as $y$ varies. The terminology:
- $EE[X | Y = y]$ is the expectation of $X$ given $Y = y$
- $EE[X|Y]$ is the expectation of $X$ given $Y$
Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are ${0,1}$-valued random variables with joint PMF
columns: 3,
rows: 3,
[$X \\ Y$], [0], [1],
[0], [$3 / 10$], [$2 / 10$],
[1], [$1 / 10$], [$4 / 10$],
Find the conditional PMF and conditional expectation of $X$ given $Y = y$.
The marginal PMFs come from summing respective rows and columns
p_Y (0) = 4 / 10 "and" p_Y (1) = 6 / 10
p_X (0) = 5 / 10 "and" p_X (1) = 5 / 10
The conditional PMF of $X$ given $Y = 0$ is
P_(X|Y) (0|0) = (p_(X,Y) (0,0)) / (p_Y (0)) = 3 / 4 \
P_(X|Y) (1|0) = (p_(X,Y) (1,0)) / (p_Y (0)) = 1 / 4
Similarly, the conditional PMF of $X$ given $Y = 0$ is
p_(X|Y) (0|1) = 1 / 3 \
p_(X|Y) (1|1) = 2 / 3
The conditional expectations of $X$ come by computnig expectations with the
conditional PMF
EE[X | Y = 0] = 0 dot p_(X|Y) (0|0) + 1 dot p_(X|Y) (1|0) = 0 dot 3 / 4 + 1 / 4 = 1 / 4 \
EE[X | Y = 1] = 0 dot p_(X|Y) (0|1) + 1 dot p_(X|Y) (1|1) = 0 dot 1 / 3 + 2 / 3 = 2 / 3
== Sums of independent random variables
We derive distributions for sums of independent random variables. We show how
symmetry can help simplify calculations. If we know the joint distribution of
any two $X$ and $Y$, then we know everything about them and can describe any
random variable of the form $g(X,Y)$.
In particular, we focus on $g(X,Y) = X + Y$ for both the discrete and
continuous case.
Suppose $X$ and $Y$ are discrete with joint PMF $p_(X,Y)$. Then $X + Y$ is also discrete and its PMF can be computed by breaking up the event ${X+Y = n}$.
{X+Y = n} = union.big_("all possible" k) {X = k, Y = n - k}
into the disjoint union of the events ${X=k,Y=n-k}$.
p_(X+Y) (n) = P(X + Y = n) = sum_k PP(X=k, Y = n - k) \
= sum_k p_(X,Y) (k,n-k)
If $X$ and $Y$ are independent, then we can rewrite
p_(X+Y) (n) = sum_k p_X (k) p_Y (n-k) \
= sum_l p_X (n-l) p_Y (l) \
= p_X convolve p_Y (n)
Where $convolve$ is the _convolution_ of $X$ and $Y$.
Reference in a new issue