#import "./dvd.typ": * #show: dvdtyp.with( title: "Math 4B Course Notes", author: "Youwen Wu", date: "Winter 2025", subtitle: [Taught by Guofang Wei], ) #outline() = Course logistics The textbook is Elementary Differential Equations, 11th edition, 2017. Chapters 1-4, 6, 7, and 9 will be covered. Attendance to discussion sections is mandatory. = Lecture #datetime(day: 7, month: 1, year: 2025).display() == Trivial preliminaries #definition[ An ODE involves an unknown function of a single variable and its derivatives up to some fixed order. The order of an ODE is the order of the highest derivative that appears. ] #example[First order ODE][ $ (dif y) / (dif x) = y^2 $ ] #example[Second order ODE][ $ y'' &= x \ integral.double y'' dif x &= integral.double x dif x \ y &= 1 / 6 x^3 + C $ ] #definition[ A function $y(x)$ defined on $(a,b)$ is a *solution* of the ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ if and only if $ y'(x) = F(x, y(x)), forall x in (a,b) $ ] #problem[ Check that $y(x) = 20 + 10e^(-x / 2)$ is a solution to the ODE $ y' = -1 / 2 y + 10 $ ] #definition[ A first order ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ is called *linear* if there are functions $A(x)$ and $B(x)$ such that $ F(x,y) = A(x) y + B(x) $ ] #example("Linear ODEs")[ - $y' = x$ - $y' = y$ - $y' = x^2$ ] #example("Nonlinear ODEs")[ - $y' = y^2$ ] #definition[ In general, a differential equation is called linear if and only if it can be written in the form $ a_n (t) (dif^n y) / (dif t^n) + a_(n-1) (t) (d^(n-1) y) / (d t^(n-1)) + dots + a_1 (t) (dif y) / (dif t) + a_0 (t) y = g(t) $ where $a_k (t)$ and $g(t)$ are single variable functions of $t$. ] #definition[ *Equilibrium solutions* for the ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ are solutions $y(x)$ such that $y'(x) = 0$, that is, $y(x)$ is constant. ] #example[ The equation $ y' = y(y +2) $ has two equilibria $ y(x) &= 0 \ y(x) &= -2 $ ] #problem[ What are the equilibria of the equation $ y' = y(y - x) $ ] == General solution of a first order linear ODE We start with the differential equation in standard form $ (dif y) / (dif t) + p(t) y = g(t) $ where $p(t)$ and $g(t)$ are continuous single variable functions of $t$. Then let us assume the existence of an *integrating factor* $mu(t)$, such that $ mu(t) p(t) = mu'(t) $ and then multiplying each term by $mu(t)$ to obtain $ mu(t) (dif y) / (dif t) + mu(t) p(t) y = mu(t) g(t) $ Then $ mu(t) (dif y) / (dif t) + mu'(t) y = mu(t) g(t) $ Then recognize that the left side of the equation is the product rule to obtain $ (mu(t) y(t))' &= mu(t) g(t) \ integral (mu(t) y(t))' dif t &= integral mu(t) g(t) dif t \ mu(t) y(t) + C &= integral mu(t) g(t) dif t \ y(t) &= (integral mu(t) g(t) dif t + C) / (mu(t)) $ Now we have a general solution but we need to determine $mu(t)$. $ mu(t) p(t) &= mu'(t) \ (mu'(t)) / (mu(t)) &= p(t) \ (ln mu(t))' &= p(t) $ So now $ integral mu(t) + k &= integral p(t) dif t \ ln mu(t) &= integral p(t) dif t + k \ mu(t) = e^(integral p(t) dif t + k) &= k e^(integral p(t) dif t) $ Now substitute $ y(t) &= (integral k e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (k e^(integral p(t))) \ &= (k integral e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (k e^(integral p(t))) $ Now do some cursed constant manipulation to obtain a final solution with only one arbitrary constant $ y(t) = (integral e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (e^(integral p(t))) $ #remark[ The most useful result to us is $ y(t) &= (integral mu(t) g(t) dif t + C) / (mu(t)) \ mu(t) &= e^(integral p(t) dif t) $ We can easily obtain a solution form for any first order linear ODE simply by identifying $p(t)$ and $g(t)$. ]