import { QuartzComponent, QuartzComponentConstructor, QuartzComponentProps } from "../types" import path from "path" import style from "../styles/listPage.scss" import { byDateAndAlphabetical, PageList, SortFn } from "../PageList" import { stripSlashes, simplifySlug, joinSegments, FullSlug } from "../../util/path" import { Root } from "hast" import { htmlToJsx } from "../../util/jsx" import { i18n } from "../../i18n" import { QuartzPluginData } from "../../plugins/vfile" interface FolderContentOptions { /** * Whether to display number of folders */ showFolderCount: boolean showSubfolders: boolean sort?: SortFn } const defaultOptions: FolderContentOptions = { showFolderCount: true, showSubfolders: true, } export default ((opts?: Partial) => { const options: FolderContentOptions = { ...defaultOptions, ...opts } const FolderContent: QuartzComponent = (props: QuartzComponentProps) => { const { tree, fileData, allFiles, cfg } = props const folderSlug = stripSlashes(simplifySlug(fileData.slug!)) const folderParts = folderSlug.split(path.posix.sep) const allPagesInFolder: QuartzPluginData[] = [] const allPagesInSubfolders: Map = new Map() allFiles.forEach((file) => { const fileSlug = stripSlashes(simplifySlug(file.slug!)) const prefixed = fileSlug.startsWith(folderSlug) && fileSlug !== folderSlug const fileParts = fileSlug.split(path.posix.sep) const isDirectChild = fileParts.length === folderParts.length + 1 if (!prefixed) { return } if (isDirectChild) { allPagesInFolder.push(file) } else if (options.showSubfolders) { const subfolderSlug = joinSegments( ...fileParts.slice(0, folderParts.length + 1), ) as FullSlug const pagesInFolder = allPagesInSubfolders.get(subfolderSlug) || [] allPagesInSubfolders.set(subfolderSlug, [...pagesInFolder, file]) } }) allPagesInSubfolders.forEach((files, subfolderSlug) => { const hasIndex = allPagesInFolder.some( (file) => subfolderSlug === stripSlashes(simplifySlug(file.slug!)), ) if (!hasIndex) { const subfolderDates = files.sort(byDateAndAlphabetical(cfg))[0].dates const subfolderTitle = subfolderSlug.split(path.posix.sep).at(-1)! allPagesInFolder.push({ slug: subfolderSlug, dates: subfolderDates, frontmatter: { title: subfolderTitle, tags: ["folder"] }, }) } }) const cssClasses: string[] = fileData.frontmatter?.cssclasses ?? [] const classes = cssClasses.join(" ") const listProps = { ...props, sort: options.sort, allFiles: allPagesInFolder, } const content = (tree as Root).children.length === 0 ? fileData.description : htmlToJsx(fileData.filePath!, tree) return (
{options.showFolderCount && (

{i18n(cfg.locale).pages.folderContent.itemsUnderFolder({ count: allPagesInFolder.length, })}

) } FolderContent.css = style + PageList.css return FolderContent }) satisfies QuartzComponentConstructor