import micromorph from "micromorph" import { FullSlug, RelativeURL, getFullSlug, normalizeRelativeURLs } from "../../util/path" import { fetchCanonical } from "./util" // adapted from `micromorph` // const NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT = 1 let announcer = document.createElement("route-announcer") const isElement = (target: EventTarget | null): target is Element => (target as Node)?.nodeType === NODE_TYPE_ELEMENT const isLocalUrl = (href: string) => { try { const url = new URL(href) if (window.location.origin === url.origin) { return true } } catch (e) {} return false } const isSamePage = (url: URL): boolean => { const sameOrigin = url.origin === window.location.origin const samePath = url.pathname === window.location.pathname return sameOrigin && samePath } const getOpts = ({ target }: Event): { url: URL; scroll?: boolean } | undefined => { if (!isElement(target)) return if (target.attributes.getNamedItem("target")?.value === "_blank") return const a = target.closest("a") if (!a) return if ("routerIgnore" in a.dataset) return const { href } = a if (!isLocalUrl(href)) return return { url: new URL(href), scroll: "routerNoscroll" in a.dataset ? false : undefined } } function notifyNav(url: FullSlug) { const event: CustomEventMap["nav"] = new CustomEvent("nav", { detail: { url } }) document.dispatchEvent(event) } const cleanupFns: Set<(...args: any[]) => void> = new Set() window.addCleanup = (fn) => cleanupFns.add(fn) function startLoading() { const loadingBar = document.createElement("div") loadingBar.className = "navigation-progress" = "0" if (!document.body.contains(loadingBar)) { document.body.appendChild(loadingBar) } setTimeout(() => { = "80%" }, 100) } let p: DOMParser async function navigate(url: URL, isBack: boolean = false) { startLoading() p = p || new DOMParser() const contents = await fetchCanonical(url) .then((res) => { const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type") if (contentType?.startsWith("text/html")) { return res.text() } else { window.location.assign(url) } }) .catch(() => { window.location.assign(url) }) if (!contents) return // cleanup old cleanupFns.forEach((fn) => fn()) cleanupFns.clear() const html = p.parseFromString(contents, "text/html") normalizeRelativeURLs(html, url) let title = html.querySelector("title")?.textContent if (title) { document.title = title } else { const h1 = document.querySelector("h1") title = h1?.innerText ?? h1?.textContent ?? url.pathname } if (announcer.textContent !== title) { announcer.textContent = title } announcer.dataset.persist = "" html.body.appendChild(announcer) // morph body micromorph(document.body, html.body) // scroll into place and add history if (!isBack) { if (url.hash) { const el = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(url.hash.substring(1))) el?.scrollIntoView() } else { window.scrollTo({ top: 0 }) } } // now, patch head const elementsToRemove = document.head.querySelectorAll(":not([spa-preserve])") elementsToRemove.forEach((el) => el.remove()) const elementsToAdd = html.head.querySelectorAll(":not([spa-preserve])") elementsToAdd.forEach((el) => document.head.appendChild(el)) // delay setting the url until now // at this point everything is loaded so changing the url should resolve to the correct addresses if (!isBack) { history.pushState({}, "", url) } notifyNav(getFullSlug(window)) delete announcer.dataset.persist } window.spaNavigate = navigate function createRouter() { if (typeof window !== "undefined") { window.addEventListener("click", async (event) => { const { url } = getOpts(event) ?? {} // dont hijack behaviour, just let browser act normally if (!url || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) return event.preventDefault() if (isSamePage(url) && url.hash) { const el = document.getElementById(decodeURIComponent(url.hash.substring(1))) el?.scrollIntoView() history.pushState({}, "", url) return } try { navigate(url, false) } catch (e) { window.location.assign(url) } }) window.addEventListener("popstate", (event) => { const { url } = getOpts(event) ?? {} if (window.location.hash && window.location.pathname === url?.pathname) return try { navigate(new URL(window.location.toString()), true) } catch (e) { window.location.reload() } return }) } return new (class Router { go(pathname: RelativeURL) { const url = new URL(pathname, window.location.toString()) return navigate(url, false) } back() { return window.history.back() } forward() { return window.history.forward() } })() } createRouter() notifyNav(getFullSlug(window)) if (!customElements.get("route-announcer")) { const attrs = { "aria-live": "assertive", "aria-atomic": "true", style: "position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; clip: rect(0 0 0 0); clip-path: inset(50%); overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; width: 1px; height: 1px", } customElements.define( "route-announcer", class RouteAnnouncer extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super() } connectedCallback() { for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(attrs)) { this.setAttribute(key, value) } } }, ) }