#import "@preview/unequivocal-ams:0.1.1": ams-article, theorem, proof #show: ams-article.with( title: [A Digression on Abstract Linear Algebra], authors: ( ( name: "Youwen Wu", organization: [University of California, Santa Barbara], email: "youwen@ucsb.edu", url: "https://youwen.dev", ), ), bibliography: bibliography("refs.bib"), ) = Introduction Many introductory linear algebra classes focus on _application_. They teach you how to perform trivial numerical operations such as the _matrix multiplication_, _matrix-vector multiplication_, _row reduction_, and other trite tasks better suited for computers. This class is essentially useless. Linear algebra is really a much deeper subject, when viewed through the lens of _linear maps_ and _vector spaces_. In particular, taking an abstract point-free approach allows the freedom to prove theorems that generalize to linear algebra on arbitrary vector spaces, and indeed, even infinite vector spaces. If you are taking this course, you might as well learn linear algebra properly. Otherwise, you will have to re-learn it later on, anyways. Completing a math course without gaining a theoretical appreciation for the topics at hand is a complete and utter waste of time. = Basic Notions == Vector spaces Before we can understand vectors, we need to first discuss _vector spaces_. Thus far, you have likely encountered vectors primarily in physics classes, generally in the two-dimensional plane. You may conceptualize them as arrows in space. For vectors of size $>3$, a hand waving argument is made that they are essentially just arrows in higher dimensional spaces. It is helpful to take a step back from this primitive geometric understanding of the vector. Let us build up a rigorous idea of vectors from first principles. === Vector axioms The so-called _axioms_ of a _vector space_ (which we'll call the vector space $V$) are as follows: #enum[ Commutativity: $u + v = v + u, " " forall u,v in V$ ][ Associativity: $(u + v) + w = u + (v + w), " " forall u,v,w in V$ ][ Zero vector: $exists$ a special vector, denoted $0$, such that $v + 0 = v, " " forall v in V$ ][ Additive inverse: $forall v in V, " " exists w in V "such that" v + w = 0$. Such an additive inverse is generally denoted $-v$ ][ Multiplicative identity: $1 v = v, " " forall v in V$ ][ Multiplicative associativity: $(alpha beta) v = alpha (beta v) " " forall v in V, "scalars" alpha, beta$ ][ Distributive property for vectors: $alpha (u + v) = alpha u + alpha v " " forall u,v in V, "scalars" alpha$ ][ Distributive property for scalars: $(alpha + beta) v = alpha v + beta v " " forall v in V, " scalars" alpha, beta$ ] It is easy to show that the zero vector $0$ and the additive inverse $-v$ are _unique_. We leave the proof of this fact as an exercise. These may seem difficult to memorize, but they are essentially the same familiar algebraic properties of numbers you know from high school. The important thing to remember is which operations are valid for what objects. For example, you cannot add a vector and scalar, as it does not make sense. _Remark_. For those of you versed in computer science, you may recognize this as essentially saying that you must ensure your operations are _type-safe_. Adding a vector and scalar is not just "wrong" in the same sense that $1 + 1 = 3$ is wrong, it is an _invalid question_ entirely because vectors and scalars and different types of mathematical objects. See #cite(<chen2024digression>, form: "prose") for more. === Vectors big and small In order to begin your descent into what mathematicians colloquially recognize as _abstract vapid nonsense_, let's discuss which fields constitute a vector space. We have the familiar field of $RR$ where all scalars are real numbers, with corresponding vector spaces $RR^n$, where $n$ is the length of the vector. We generally discuss 2D or 3D vectors, corresponding to vectors of length 2 or 3; in our case, $RR^2$ and $RR^3$. However, vectors in $RR^n$ can really be of any length. Vectors can be viewed as arbitrary length lists of numbers (for the computer science folk: think C++ `std::vector`). _Example_. $ vec(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) in RR^9 $ Keep in mind that vectors need not be in $RR^n$ at all. Recall that a vector space need only satisfy the aforementioned _axioms of a vector space_. _Example_. The vector space $CC^n$ is similar to $RR^n$, except it includes complex numbers. All complex vector spaces are real vector spaces (as you can simply restrict them to only use the real numbers), but not the other way around. From now on, let us refer to vector spaces $RR^n$ and $CC^n$ as $FF^n$. In general, we can have a vector space where the scalars are in an arbitrary field, as long as the axioms are satisfied. _Example_. The vector space of all polynomials of at most degree 3, or $PP^3$. It is not yet clear what this vector may look like. We shall return to this example once we discuss _basis_. == Vector addition. Multiplication Vector addition, represented by $+$, and multiplication, represented by the $dot$ (dot) operator, can be done entrywise. _Example._ $ vec(1,2,3) + vec(4,5,6) = vec(1 + 4, 2 + 5, 3 + 6) = vec(5,7,9) $ $ vec(1,2,3) dot vec(4,5,6) = vec(1 dot 4, 2 dot 5, 3 dot 6) = vec(4,10,18) $ This is simple enough to understand. Again, the difficulty is simply ensuring that you always perform operations with the correct _types_. For example, once we introduce matrices, it doesn't make sense to multiply or add vectors and matrices in this fashion. == Vector-scalar multiplication Multiplying a vector by a scalar simply results in each entry of the vector being multiplied by the scalar. _Example_. $ beta vec(a, b, c) = vec(beta dot a, beta dot b, beta dot c) $ == Linear combinations Given vector spaces $V$ and $W$ and vectors $v in V$ and $w in W$, $v + w$ is the _linear combination_ of $v$ and $w$. === Spanning systems We say that a set of vectors $v_1, v_2, ..., v_n in V$ _span_ $V$ if the linear combination of the vectors can represent any arbitrary vector $v in V$. Precisely, given scalars $alpha_1, alpha_2, ..., alpha_n$, $ alpha_1 v_1 + alpha_2 v_2 + ... + alpha_n v_n = v, forall v in V $ Note that any scalar $alpha_k$ could be 0. Therefore, it is possible for a subset of a spanning system to also be a spanning system. The proof of this fact is left as an exercise. === Intuition for linear independence and dependence We say that $v$ and $w$ are linearly independent if $v$ cannot be represented by the scaling of $w$, and $w$ cannot be represented by the scaling of $v$. Otherwise, they are _linearly dependent_. You may intuitively visualize linear dependence in the 2D plane as two vectors both pointing in the same direction. Clearly, scaling one vector will allow us to reach the other vector. Linear independence is therefore two vectors pointing in different directions. Of course, this definition applies to vectors in any $FF^n$. === Formal definition of linear dependence and independence Let us formally define linear independence for arbitrary vectors in $FF^n$. Given a set of vectors $ v_1, v_2, ..., v_n in V $ we say they are linearly independent iff. the equation $ alpha_1 v_1 + alpha_2 v_2 + ... + alpha_n v_n = 0 $ has only a unique set of solutions $alpha_1, alpha_2, ..., alpha_n$ such that all $alpha_n$ are zero. Equivalently, $ abs(alpha_1) + abs(alpha_2) + ... + abs(alpha_n) = 0 $ More precisely, $ sum_(i=1)^k abs(alpha_i) = 0 $ Therefore, a set of vectors $v_1, v_2, ..., v_m$ is linearly dependent if the opposite is true, that is there exists solution $alpha_1, alpha_2, ..., alpha_m$ to the equation $ alpha_1 v_1 + alpha_2 v_2 + ... + alpha_m v_m = 0 $ such that $ sum_(i=1)^k abs(alpha_i) != 0 $ === Basis We say a system of vectors $v_1, v_2, ..., v_n in V$ is a _basis_ in $V$ if the system is both linearly independent and spanning. That is, the system must be able to represent any vector in $V$ as well as satisfy our requirements for linear independence. Equivalently, we may say that a system of vectors in $V$ is a basis in $V$ if any vector $v in V$ admits a _unique representation_ as a linear combination of vectors in the system. This is equivalent to our previous statement, that the system must be spanning and linearly independent. === Standard basis We may define a _standard basis_ for a vector space. By convention, the standard basis in $RR^2$ is $ vec(1, 0) vec(0, 1) $ Verify that the above is in fact a basis (that is, linearly independent and generating). Recalling the definition of the basis, we can represent any vector in $RR^2$ as the linear combination of the standard basis. Therefore, for any arbitrary vector $v in RR^2$, we can represent it as $ v = alpha_1 vec(1, 0) + alpha_2 vec(0,1) $ Let us call $alpha_1$ and $alpha_2$ the _coordinates_ of the vector. Then, we can write $v$ as $ v = vec(alpha_1, alpha_2) $ For example, the vector $ vec(1, 2) $ represents $ 1 dot vec(1, 0) + 2 dot vec(0,1) $ Verify that this aligns with your previous intuition of vectors. You may recognize the standard basis in $RR^2$ as the familiar unit vectors $ accent(i, hat), accent(j, hat) $ This aligns with the fact that $ vec(alpha, beta) = alpha hat(i) + beta hat(j) $ However, we may define a standard basis in any arbitrary vector space. So, let $ e_1, e_2, ..., e_n $ be a standard basis in $FF^n$. Then, the coordinates $alpha_1, alpha_2, ..., alpha_n$ of a vector $v in FF^n$ represent the following $ vec(alpha_1, alpha_2, dots.v, alpha_n) = alpha_1 e_1 + alpha_2 + e_2 + alpha_n e_n $ Using our new notation, the standard basis in $RR^2$ is $ e_1 = vec(1,0), e_2 = vec(0,1) $ == Matrices Before discussing any properties of matrices, let's simply reiterate what we learned in class about their notation. We say a matrix with rows of length $m$, and columns of size $n$ (in less precise terms, a matrix with length $m$ and height $n$) is a $m times n$ matrix. Given a matrix $ A = mat(1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9) $ we refer to the entry in row $j$ and column $k$ as $A_(j,k)$ . === Matrix transpose A formalism that is useful later on is called the _transpose_, and we obtain it from a matrix $A$ by switching all the rows and columns. More precisely, each row becomes a column instead. We use the notation $A^T$ to represent the transpose of $A$. $ mat(1,2,3;4,5,6)^T = mat(1,4;2,5;3,6) $ Formally, we can say $(A^T)_(j,k) = A_(k,j)$ == Linear transformations A linear transformation $T : V -> W$ is a mapping between two vector spaces $V -> W$, such that the following axioms are satisfied: + $T(v + w) = T(v) + T(w), forall v in V, forall w in W$ + $T(alpha v) + T(beta w) = alpha T(v) + beta T(w), forall v in V, forall w in W$, for all scalars $alpha, beta$ _Definition_. $T$ is a linear transformation iff. $ T(alpha v + beta w) = alpha T(v) + beta T(w) $ _Abuse of notation_. From now on, we may elide the parentheses and say that $ T(v) = T v, forall v in V $ _Remark_. A phrase that you may commonly hear is that linear transformations preserve _linearity_. Essentially, straight lines remain straight, parallel lines remain parallel, and the origin remains fixed at 0. Take a moment to think about why this is true (at least, in lower dimensional spaces you can visualize). _Examples_. + #[Rotation for $V = W = RR^2$ (i.e. rotation in 2 dimensions). Given $v, w in RR^2$, and their linear combination $v + w$, a rotation of $gamma$ radians of $v + w$ is equivalent to first rotating $v$ and $w$ individually by $gamma$ and then taking their linear combination.] + #[Differentiation of polynomials. In this case $V = PP^n$ and $W = PP^(n - 1)$, where $PP^n$ is the field of all polynomials of degree at most $n$. $ dif / (dif x) ( alpha v + beta w ) = alpha dif / (dif x) v + beta dif / (dif x) w, forall v in V, w in W, forall "scalars" alpha, beta $ ] == Matrices represent linear transformations Suppose we wanted to represent a linear transformation $T: FF^n -> FF^m$. I propose that we need encode how $T$ acts on the standard basis of $FF^n$. Using our intuition from lower dimensional vector spaces, we know that the standard basis in $RR^2$ is the unit vectors $hat(i)$ and $hat(j)$. Because linear transformations preserve linearity (i.e. all straight lines remain straight and parallel lines remain parallel), we can encode any transformation as simply changing $hat(i)$ and $hat(j)$. And indeed, if any vector $v in RR^2$ can be represented as the linear combination of $hat(i)$ and $hat(j)$ (this is the definition of a basis), it makes sense both symbolically and geometrically that we can represent all linear transformations as the transformations of the basis vectors. _Example_. To reflect all vectors $v in RR^2$ across the $y$-axis, we can simply change the standard basis to $ vec(-1, 0) vec(0,1) $ Then, any vector in $RR^2$ using this new basis will be reflected across the $y$-axis. Take a moment to justify this geometrically. === Writing a linear transformation as matrix For any linear transformation $T: FF^m -> FF^n$, we can write it as an $n times m$ matrix $A$. That is, there is a matrix $A$ with $n$ rows and $m$ columns that can represent any linear transformation from $FF^m -> FF^n$. How should we write this matrix? Naturally, from our previous discussion, we should write a matrix with each _column_ being one of our new transformed _basis_ vectors. _Example_. Our $y$-axis reflection transformation from earlier. We write the bases in a matrix $ mat(-1,0; 0,1) $ === Matrix-vector multiplication Perhaps you now see why the so-called matrix-vector multiplication is defined the way it is. Recalling our definition of a basis, given a basis in $V$, any vector $v in V$ can be written as the linear combination of the vectors in the basis. Then, given a linear transformation represented by the matrix containing the new basis, we simply write the linear combination with the new basis instead. _Example_. Let us first write a vector in the standard basis in $RR^2$ and then show how our matrix-vector multiplication naturally corresponds to the definition of the linear transformation. $ vec(1, 2) in RR^2 $ is the same as $ 1 dot vec(1, 0) + 2 dot vec(0, 1) $ Then, to perform our reflection, we need only replace the basis vector $vec(1, 0)$ with $vec(-1, 0)$. Then, the reflected vector is given by $ 1 dot vec(-1, 0) + 2 dot vec(0,1) = vec(-1, 2) $ We can clearly see that this is exactly how the matrix multiplication $ mat(-1, 0; 0, 1) dot vec(1, 2) $ is defined! The _column-by-coordinate_ rule for matrix-vector multiplication says that we multiply the $n^("th")$ entry of the vector by the corresponding $n^("th")$ column of the matrix and sum them all up (take their linear combination). This algorithm intuitively follows from our definition of matrices. === Matrix-matrix multiplication As you may have noticed, a very similar natural definition arises for the _matrix-matrix_ multiplication. Multiplying two matrices $A dot B$ is essentially just taking each column of $B$, and applying the linear transformation defined by the matrix $A$!