import { removeAllChildren } from "./util" import mermaid from "mermaid" interface Position { x: number y: number } class DiagramPanZoom { private isDragging = false private startPan: Position = { x: 0, y: 0 } private currentPan: Position = { x: 0, y: 0 } private scale = 1 private readonly MIN_SCALE = 0.5 private readonly MAX_SCALE = 3 private readonly ZOOM_SENSITIVITY = 0.001 constructor( private container: HTMLElement, private content: HTMLElement, ) { this.setupEventListeners() this.setupNavigationControls() } private setupEventListeners() { // Mouse drag events this.container.addEventListener("mousedown", this.onMouseDown.bind(this)) document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.onMouseMove.bind(this)) document.addEventListener("mouseup", this.onMouseUp.bind(this)) // Wheel zoom events this.container.addEventListener("wheel", this.onWheel.bind(this), { passive: false }) // Reset on window resize window.addEventListener("resize", this.resetTransform.bind(this)) } private setupNavigationControls() { const controls = document.createElement("div") controls.className = "mermaid-controls" // Zoom controls const zoomIn = this.createButton("+", () => this.zoom(0.1)) const zoomOut = this.createButton("-", () => this.zoom(-0.1)) const resetBtn = this.createButton("Reset", () => this.resetTransform()) controls.appendChild(zoomOut) controls.appendChild(resetBtn) controls.appendChild(zoomIn) this.container.appendChild(controls) } private createButton(text: string, onClick: () => void): HTMLButtonElement { const button = document.createElement("button") button.textContent = text button.className = "mermaid-control-button" button.addEventListener("click", onClick) window.addCleanup(() => button.removeEventListener("click", onClick)) return button } private onMouseDown(e: MouseEvent) { if (e.button !== 0) return // Only handle left click this.isDragging = true this.startPan = { x: e.clientX - this.currentPan.x, y: e.clientY - this.currentPan.y } = "grabbing" } private onMouseMove(e: MouseEvent) { if (!this.isDragging) return e.preventDefault() this.currentPan = { x: e.clientX - this.startPan.x, y: e.clientY - this.startPan.y, } this.updateTransform() } private onMouseUp() { this.isDragging = false = "grab" } private onWheel(e: WheelEvent) { e.preventDefault() const delta = -e.deltaY * this.ZOOM_SENSITIVITY const newScale = Math.min(Math.max(this.scale + delta, this.MIN_SCALE), this.MAX_SCALE) // Calculate mouse position relative to content const rect = this.content.getBoundingClientRect() const mouseX = e.clientX - rect.left const mouseY = e.clientY - // Adjust pan to zoom around mouse position const scaleDiff = newScale - this.scale this.currentPan.x -= mouseX * scaleDiff this.currentPan.y -= mouseY * scaleDiff this.scale = newScale this.updateTransform() } private zoom(delta: number) { const newScale = Math.min(Math.max(this.scale + delta, this.MIN_SCALE), this.MAX_SCALE) // Zoom around center const rect = this.content.getBoundingClientRect() const centerX = rect.width / 2 const centerY = rect.height / 2 const scaleDiff = newScale - this.scale this.currentPan.x -= centerX * scaleDiff this.currentPan.y -= centerY * scaleDiff this.scale = newScale this.updateTransform() } private updateTransform() { = `translate(${this.currentPan.x}px, ${this.currentPan.y}px) scale(${this.scale})` } private resetTransform() { this.scale = 1 this.currentPan = { x: 0, y: 0 } this.updateTransform() } } const cssVars = [ "--secondary", "--tertiary", "--gray", "--light", "--lightgray", "--highlight", "--dark", "--darkgray", "--codeFont", ] as const document.addEventListener("nav", async () => { const center = document.querySelector(".center") as HTMLElement const nodes = center.querySelectorAll("code.mermaid") as NodeListOf<HTMLElement> if (nodes.length === 0) return const computedStyleMap = cssVars.reduce( (acc, key) => { acc[key] = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(key) return acc }, {} as Record<(typeof cssVars)[number], string>, ) const darkMode = document.documentElement.getAttribute("saved-theme") === "dark" mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: false, securityLevel: "loose", theme: darkMode ? "dark" : "base", themeVariables: { fontFamily: computedStyleMap["--codeFont"], primaryColor: computedStyleMap["--light"], primaryTextColor: computedStyleMap["--darkgray"], primaryBorderColor: computedStyleMap["--tertiary"], lineColor: computedStyleMap["--darkgray"], secondaryColor: computedStyleMap["--secondary"], tertiaryColor: computedStyleMap["--tertiary"], clusterBkg: computedStyleMap["--light"], edgeLabelBackground: computedStyleMap["--highlight"], }, }) await{ nodes }) for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const codeBlock = nodes[i] as HTMLElement const pre = codeBlock.parentElement as HTMLPreElement const clipboardBtn = pre.querySelector(".clipboard-button") as HTMLButtonElement const expandBtn = pre.querySelector(".expand-button") as HTMLButtonElement const clipboardStyle = window.getComputedStyle(clipboardBtn) const clipboardWidth = clipboardBtn.offsetWidth + parseFloat(clipboardStyle.marginLeft || "0") + parseFloat(clipboardStyle.marginRight || "0") // Set expand button position = `calc(${clipboardWidth}px + 0.3rem)` pre.prepend(expandBtn) // query popup container const popupContainer = pre.querySelector("#mermaid-container") as HTMLElement if (!popupContainer) return let panZoom: DiagramPanZoom | null = null function showMermaid() { const container = popupContainer.querySelector("#mermaid-space") as HTMLElement const content = popupContainer.querySelector(".mermaid-content") as HTMLElement if (!content) return removeAllChildren(content) // Clone the mermaid content const mermaidContent = codeBlock.querySelector("svg")!.cloneNode(true) as SVGElement content.appendChild(mermaidContent) // Show container popupContainer.classList.add("active") = "grab" // Initialize pan-zoom after showing the popup panZoom = new DiagramPanZoom(container, content) } function hideMermaid() { popupContainer.classList.remove("active") panZoom = null } function handleEscape(e: any) { if (e.key === "Escape") { hideMermaid() } } const closeBtn = popupContainer.querySelector(".close-button") as HTMLButtonElement closeBtn.addEventListener("click", hideMermaid) expandBtn.addEventListener("click", showMermaid) document.addEventListener("keydown", handleEscape) window.addCleanup(() => { closeBtn.removeEventListener("click", hideMermaid) expandBtn.removeEventListener("click", showMermaid) document.removeEventListener("keydown", handleEscape) }) } })