#import "./dvd.typ": * #show: dvdtyp.with( title: "Math 8 Course Notes", author: "Youwen Wu", date: "Winter 2025", subtitle: [Taught by Matt Porter], abstract: [ In the broad light of day mathematicians check their equations and their proofs, leaving no stone unturned in their search for rigour. But, at night, under the full moon, they dream, they float among the stars and wonder at the miracle of the heavens. They are inspired. Without dreams there is no art, no mathematics, no life. #align(end, [-- Michael Atiyah]) ], ) #outline() = Course Logistics The textbook for the course is _Smith, Eggen, Andre. A Transition to Advanced Mathematics. 8th ed_. #smallcaps[isbn:] `978-1-285-46326-1`. Chapters 1-5 will be covered. Lecture meets every M-W-F from 12:00 -- 12:50 in Phelps 1444. Recitation meets M-W from 7:00 -- 7:50 in HSSB 1236. == Homework Homework is from textbook and is worth 30% of the grade, due on Gradescope. Homework is due every W at 11:59 PM. LaTeX is recommended for typesetting but of course we will be using Typst, the superior typesetting software for mathematics. Section and problem numbers should be clearly labeled and problems should be done on a single column. The lowest homework score will be dropped. == Exams Each exam is 20% of the grade. The final exam wil replace the lowest of the first two exam scores if it is higher. = Meeting #datetime(year: 2025, month: 1, day: 6).display() == Trivial preliminaries Definitions barely worth considering. Included purely for posterity. #definition("Proposition")[ A proposition is a sentence which is either true or false. ] #example("Primes")[ The numbers 5 and 7 are prime. ] #example("Not a proposition")[ $x^2 + 6x + 8 = 0$ ] Propositions may be stated in the formalism of mathematics using connectives, as *propositional forms*. #definition("Propositional forms")[ Let $P$ and $Q$ be propositions. Then: + The conjunction of $P$ and $Q$ is written $P and Q$ ($P$ and $Q$). + The disjunction of $P$ and $Q$ is written $P or Q$ ($P$ or $Q$) (here "or" is the inclusive or). + The negation of $P$ is written $not P$. ] #definition("Tautology")[ A propositional form for which all of its values are true. In other words, a statement which is always true. ] #definition("Contradiction")[ A propositional form for which all of its values are false. In other words, a statement which is always false. ] #problem[Prove that $(P or Q) or (not P and not Q)$ is a tautology][ Trivial, omitted. ] #example[Several denials of the statement "integer $n$ is even"][ - It is not the case that integer $n$ is even. - Integer $n$ is not even. - $n != 2m, forall m in ZZ$ - $n = 2m + 1, exists m in ZZ$ ] DeMorgan's Laws tell us how to distribute logical connectives across parentheses. #fact[DeMorgan's Laws][ + $not (P or Q) = not P and not Q$ + $not (P and Q) = not P or not Q$ ] #proof[ Trivially, by completing a truth table. ] Also, propositional forms obey commutative, associative, distributive laws, which can be trivially obtained from symbolic manipulations and will not be restated. Together with the double negation law and the _law of the excluded middle_, these comprise the axioms of a system of propositional logic. #fact[ We abbreviate propositional forms by eliding parentheses, according to the rules: + $not$ is applied to the smallest proposition following it. + $and$ connects the smallest propositions surrounding it. + $or$ connects the smallest propositions surrounding it. ]