#import "@youwen/zen:0.1.0": * #show: zen.with( title: "Math 4B Course Notes", author: "Youwen Wu", date: "Winter 2025", subtitle: [Taught by Guofang Wei], ) #outline() = Course logistics The textbook is Elementary Differential Equations, 11th edition, 2017. Chapters 1-4, 6, 7, and 9 will be covered. Attendance to discussion sections is mandatory. = Lecture #datetime(day: 7, month: 1, year: 2025).display() == Trivial preliminaries #definition[ An ODE involves an unknown function of a single variable and its derivatives up to some fixed order. The order of an ODE is the order of the highest derivative that appears. ] #example[First order ODE][ $ (dif y) / (dif x) = y^2 $ ] #example[Second order ODE][ $ y'' &= x \ integral.double y'' dif x &= integral.double x dif x \ y &= 1 / 6 x^3 + C $ ] #definition[ A function $y(x)$ defined on $(a,b)$ is a *solution* of the ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ if and only if $ y'(x) = F(x, y(x)), forall x in (a,b) $ ] #problem[ Check that $y(x) = 20 + 10e^(-x / 2)$ is a solution to the ODE $ y' = -1 / 2 y + 10 $ ] #definition[ A first order ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ is called *linear* if there are functions $A(x)$ and $B(x)$ such that $ F(x,y) = A(x) y + B(x) $ ] #example("Linear ODEs")[ - $y' = x$ - $y' = y$ - $y' = x^2$ ] #example("Nonlinear ODEs")[ - $y' = y^2$ ] #definition[ In general, a differential equation is called linear if and only if it can be written in the form $ a_n (t) (dif^n y) / (dif t^n) + a_(n-1) (t) (d^(n-1) y) / (d t^(n-1)) + dots + a_1 (t) (dif y) / (dif t) + a_0 (t) y = g(t) $ where $a_k (t)$ and $g(t)$ are single variable functions of $t$. ] #definition[ *Equilibrium solutions* for the ODE $ y' = F(x,y) $ are solutions $y(x)$ such that $y'(x) = 0$, that is, $y(x)$ is constant. ] #example[ The equation $ y' = y(y +2) $ has two equilibria $ y(x) &= 0 \ y(x) &= -2 $ ] #problem[ What are the equilibria of the equation $ y' = y(y - x) $ ] == General solution of a first order linear ODE We start with the differential equation in standard form $ (dif y) / (dif t) + p(t) y = g(t) $ where $p(t)$ and $g(t)$ are continuous single variable functions of $t$. Then let us assume the existence of an *integrating factor* $mu(t)$, such that $ mu(t) p(t) = mu'(t) $ and then multiplying each term by $mu(t)$ to obtain $ mu(t) (dif y) / (dif t) + mu(t) p(t) y = mu(t) g(t) $ Then $ mu(t) (dif y) / (dif t) + mu'(t) y = mu(t) g(t) $ Then recognize that the left side of the equation is the product rule to obtain $ (mu(t) y(t))' &= mu(t) g(t) \ integral (mu(t) y(t))' dif t &= integral mu(t) g(t) dif t \ mu(t) y(t) + C &= integral mu(t) g(t) dif t \ y(t) &= (integral mu(t) g(t) dif t + C) / (mu(t)) $ Now we have a general solution but we need to determine $mu(t)$. $ mu(t) p(t) &= mu'(t) \ (mu'(t)) / (mu(t)) &= p(t) \ (ln mu(t))' &= p(t) $ So now $ integral mu(t) + k &= integral p(t) dif t \ ln mu(t) &= integral p(t) dif t + k \ mu(t) = e^(integral p(t) dif t + k) &= k e^(integral p(t) dif t) $ Now substitute $ y(t) &= (integral k e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (k e^(integral p(t))) \ &= (k integral e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (k e^(integral p(t))) $ Now do some cursed constant manipulation to obtain a final solution with only one arbitrary constant $ y(t) = (integral e^(integral p(t) dif t) g(t) dif t + C) / (e^(integral p(t))) $ #remark[ The most useful result to us is $ y(t) &= (integral mu(t) g(t) dif t + C) / (mu(t)) \ mu(t) &= e^(integral p(t) dif t) $ We can easily obtain a solution form for any first order linear ODE simply by identifying $p(t)$ and $g(t)$. ] = Lecture #datetime(day: 22, year: 2025, month: 1).display() - existence and uniqueness of solutions Midterm 1 is #datetime(month: 1, day: 28, year: 2025).display() in class, covering Chapter 2. Five problems: - Solving separable equations (10pts) - Solving Linear ODE (10pts) - Modeling (Newton's law of cooling) (10pts) - Eulers's method (5 pts) - True or false problem (if ODE linear, existence, etc) (5 pts) == Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the initial value problem Before we looked at particular ODEs. Now we turn our attention to general ODEs. In general ODEs do not have solutions, so let us discuss methods to identify when solutions exist. Given a first order initial value problem ODE $ y' = F(t,y), underbrace(y(t_0) = y_0, "initial value") $ When does a solution exist? Is it unique? Warm up: $ y' = -x / y $ It's separable and we can solve it. $ 1 / 2 y^2 &= -1 / 2 x^2 + C \ y^2 &= 2C - x^2 \ y &= plus.minus sqrt(2C - x^2) $ Say $y(1) = 1$. Then $C = 1$. Since $y(1) = 1$, we choose the positive version of solution. $ y = sqrt(2 - x^2) $ The slope field shows that the solutions are semicircles above and below the $x$-axis. Consider this initial value $ y(3) &= 0 \ 2C &= 9 \ y &= plus.minus sqrt(9 - x^2) $ Now should we choose $+$ or $-$? It seems that either can work, but it turns out that it is not a solution! Recall the equation $ y' = -x / y $ With our initial condition, this equation was not defined! So there is no solution for this initial condition. Now consider $ y' = sqrt(y) $ Again it is separable $ integral dif x &= integral sqrt(y) dif y \ 2y^(1 / 2) &= x + C \ $ With initial condition $y(0) = 0$, $ y = (x / 2)^2 $ However we lost a solution, since we divided by $sqrt(y)$, which could've been 0! When $F(t,y)$ (RHS) is not nice (differentiable) at the initial value $(t_0, y_0)$, existence and uniqueness (E/U) could fail. We do have E/U when $F(t,y)$ is nice. == Existence of solutions to IVP - linear case The first order linear ODE is $ y'(t) = p(t) y(t) = g(t) \ $ Use integrating factor $ mu(t) = e^(integral p(t) dif t) $ We know a general solution using the method of integrating factors. $ y(t) = 1 / mu(t) [C + integral mu(t) g(t) dif t] $ We are assuming that $p(t)$ and $g(t)$ are given continuous functions defined on some interval $I$. The solution $y(t)$ is defined on the same interval $I$. #remark[ The solution of the initial value problem for a linear equation exists, is unique, and is defined as long as the coefficients in the equation are defined. ] #remark[ Existence and uniqueness are important. It guarantees there is one and only one solution curve passing through an initial point $(t_0, y_0)$. ] #example[ Consider $ y'(t) - 1 / t y(t) = 1 / (t^2), y(1) = 0 $ + $(-infinity, 0)$ + $(0, infinity)$ + $(-infinity, infinity)$ + $(0, 2)$ $0$ is a bad value. So we choose either $(0, infinity)$ or $(-infinity, 0)$. But the initial value exists on $(0, infinity)$, so we choose (1). ] Now let's consider a general first order ODE $ y' = F(t,y), y(t_0) = y_0 $ Now "nice" is not so clear cut. Assume $F(t,y)$ is a "nice" function ($F$, $(diff F)/(diff y)$ are continuous) defined on some rectangle in $(t,y)$-plane. #theorem("Existence and uniqueness theorem for ODE")[ If the initial point $(t_0, y_0)$ belongs to the rectangle where $F(t,y)$ is defined, then this initial value problem has a *unique solution* $y(t)$ defined on some time interval $I$. ] #example[ Find the solution of the initial value problem $ y' = y^2, y(0) = 1 \ y(t) = 1 / (1-t) $ The function on the right side is $ F(t,y) = y^2 $ It's defined for all $t$ and $y$. Nevertheless the largest interval on which the solution is defined is $-infinity < t < 1$. ] Consider IVP $ y' = sqrt(9 - y^2), y(1) = 0 $ Any E/U problems? == Numerical approximations with Euler's method We can determine if solutions exist using @eutheorem but in general we cannot find an explicit solution. Instead we approximate the solution. Consider the IVP $ y' = 1 / 2 cos(y) + t, y(0) = -1 $ The righthand side is nice, by @eutheorem, it has a unique solution. We can't find an explicit solution. = Lecture #datetime(day: 23, month: 1, year: 2025).display() Second order linear differential equation. $ y'' = p(t)y' + q(t)y = g(t) $ We say it is homogenous if $g(t) = 0$. == Initial value problem and uniqueness on 2nd order linear ODEs Suppose $p(t)$, $q(t)$, and $g(t)$ are given continuous functions defined on $I$. $ y'' = p(t)y' + q(t)y = g(t) \ y(t_0) = y_0, y'(t_0) = y'_0 $ has a unique solution $y(t)$ defined on $I$. Same as first order case. Always write in standard form first before identifying. #example[ What is the largest interval on which the IVP $ (t+1)y'' + y = 3, y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 0 $ is certain to have a solution? $ y'' + 1 / (t+1) y = 3 / (t+1) $ So the functions are nice except at -1. Our intervals are $ (-infinity, -1), (-1, infinity) $ But we have initial values at 0, so we know for certain that a solution (but not for certain it's the only solution) exists $ (-1, infinity) $ ] == 2nd order linear homogenous ODEs