import { QuartzTransformerPlugin } from "../types"
import { Root, Html, BlockContent, DefinitionContent, Paragraph, Code } from "mdast"
import { Element, Literal, Root as HtmlRoot } from "hast"
import { ReplaceFunction, findAndReplace as mdastFindReplace } from "mdast-util-find-and-replace"
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw"
import { SKIP, visit } from "unist-util-visit"
import path from "path"
import { splitAnchor } from "../../util/path"
import { JSResource, CSSResource } from "../../util/resources"
// @ts-ignore
import calloutScript from "../../components/scripts/callout.inline.ts"
// @ts-ignore
import checkboxScript from "../../components/scripts/checkbox.inline.ts"
// @ts-ignore
import mermaidExtensionScript from "../../components/scripts/mermaid.inline.ts"
import mermaidStyle from "../../components/styles/mermaid.inline.scss"
import { FilePath, pathToRoot, slugTag, slugifyFilePath } from "../../util/path"
import { toHast } from "mdast-util-to-hast"
import { toHtml } from "hast-util-to-html"
import { PhrasingContent } from "mdast-util-find-and-replace/lib"
import { capitalize } from "../../util/lang"
import { PluggableList } from "unified"

export interface Options {
  comments: boolean
  highlight: boolean
  wikilinks: boolean
  callouts: boolean
  mermaid: boolean
  parseTags: boolean
  parseArrows: boolean
  parseBlockReferences: boolean
  enableInHtmlEmbed: boolean
  enableYouTubeEmbed: boolean
  enableVideoEmbed: boolean
  enableCheckbox: boolean

const defaultOptions: Options = {
  comments: true,
  highlight: true,
  wikilinks: true,
  callouts: true,
  mermaid: true,
  parseTags: true,
  parseArrows: true,
  parseBlockReferences: true,
  enableInHtmlEmbed: false,
  enableYouTubeEmbed: true,
  enableVideoEmbed: true,
  enableCheckbox: false,

const calloutMapping = {
  note: "note",
  abstract: "abstract",
  summary: "abstract",
  tldr: "abstract",
  info: "info",
  todo: "todo",
  tip: "tip",
  hint: "tip",
  important: "tip",
  success: "success",
  check: "success",
  done: "success",
  question: "question",
  help: "question",
  faq: "question",
  warning: "warning",
  attention: "warning",
  caution: "warning",
  failure: "failure",
  missing: "failure",
  fail: "failure",
  danger: "danger",
  error: "danger",
  bug: "bug",
  example: "example",
  quote: "quote",
  cite: "quote",
} as const

const arrowMapping: Record<string, string> = {
  "->": "&rarr;",
  "-->": "&rArr;",
  "=>": "&rArr;",
  "==>": "&rArr;",
  "<-": "&larr;",
  "<--": "&lArr;",
  "<=": "&lArr;",
  "<==": "&lArr;",

function canonicalizeCallout(calloutName: string): keyof typeof calloutMapping {
  const normalizedCallout = calloutName.toLowerCase() as keyof typeof calloutMapping
  // if callout is not recognized, make it a custom one
  return calloutMapping[normalizedCallout] ?? calloutName

export const externalLinkRegex = /^https?:\/\//i

export const arrowRegex = new RegExp(/(-{1,2}>|={1,2}>|<-{1,2}|<={1,2})/g)

// !?                 -> optional embedding
// \[\[               -> open brace
// ([^\[\]\|\#]+)     -> one or more non-special characters ([,],|, or #) (name)
// (#[^\[\]\|\#]+)?   -> # then one or more non-special characters (heading link)
// (\\?\|[^\[\]\#]+)? -> optional escape \ then | then one or more non-special characters (alias)
export const wikilinkRegex = new RegExp(

// ^\|([^\n])+\|\n(\|) -> matches the header row
// ( ?:?-{3,}:? ?\|)+  -> matches the header row separator
// (\|([^\n])+\|\n)+   -> matches the body rows
export const tableRegex = new RegExp(/^\|([^\n])+\|\n(\|)( ?:?-{3,}:? ?\|)+\n(\|([^\n])+\|\n?)+/gm)

// matches any wikilink, only used for escaping wikilinks inside tables
export const tableWikilinkRegex = new RegExp(/(!?\[\[[^\]]*?\]\]|\[\^[^\]]*?\])/g)

const highlightRegex = new RegExp(/==([^=]+)==/g)
const commentRegex = new RegExp(/%%[\s\S]*?%%/g)
// from
const calloutRegex = new RegExp(/^\[\!([\w-]+)\|?(.+?)?\]([+-]?)/)
const calloutLineRegex = new RegExp(/^> *\[\!\w+\|?.*?\][+-]?.*$/gm)
// (?:^| )              -> non-capturing group, tag should start be separated by a space or be the start of the line
// #(...)               -> capturing group, tag itself must start with #
// (?:[-_\p{L}\d\p{Z}])+       -> non-capturing group, non-empty string of (Unicode-aware) alpha-numeric characters and symbols, hyphens and/or underscores
// (?:\/[-_\p{L}\d\p{Z}]+)*)   -> non-capturing group, matches an arbitrary number of tag strings separated by "/"
const tagRegex = new RegExp(
  /(?:^| )#((?:[-_\p{L}\p{Emoji}\p{M}\d])+(?:\/[-_\p{L}\p{Emoji}\p{M}\d]+)*)/gu,
const blockReferenceRegex = new RegExp(/\^([-_A-Za-z0-9]+)$/g)
const ytLinkRegex = /^.*(\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/
const ytPlaylistLinkRegex = /[?&]list=([^#?&]*)/
const videoExtensionRegex = new RegExp(/\.(mp4|webm|ogg|avi|mov|flv|wmv|mkv|mpg|mpeg|3gp|m4v)$/)
const wikilinkImageEmbedRegex = new RegExp(

export const ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown: QuartzTransformerPlugin<Partial<Options>> = (userOpts) => {
  const opts = { ...defaultOptions, ...userOpts }

  const mdastToHtml = (ast: PhrasingContent | Paragraph) => {
    const hast = toHast(ast, { allowDangerousHtml: true })!
    return toHtml(hast, { allowDangerousHtml: true })

  return {
    name: "ObsidianFlavoredMarkdown",
    textTransform(_ctx, src) {
      // do comments at text level
      if (opts.comments) {
        if (src instanceof Buffer) {
          src = src.toString()

        src = (src as string).replace(commentRegex, "")

      // pre-transform blockquotes
      if (opts.callouts) {
        if (src instanceof Buffer) {
          src = src.toString()

        src = (src as string).replace(calloutLineRegex, (value) => {
          // force newline after title of callout
          return value + "\n> "

      // pre-transform wikilinks (fix anchors to things that may contain illegal syntax e.g. codeblocks, latex)
      if (opts.wikilinks) {
        if (src instanceof Buffer) {
          src = src.toString()

        // replace all wikilinks inside a table first
        src = (src as string).replace(tableRegex, (value) => {
          // escape all aliases and headers in wikilinks inside a table
          return value.replace(tableWikilinkRegex, (_value, raw) => {
            // const [raw]: (string | undefined)[] = capture
            let escaped = raw ?? ""
            escaped = escaped.replace("#", "\\#")
            // escape pipe characters if they are not already escaped
            escaped = escaped.replace(/((^|[^\\])(\\\\)*)\|/g, "$1\\|")

            return escaped

        // replace all other wikilinks
        src = (src as string).replace(wikilinkRegex, (value, ...capture) => {
          const [rawFp, rawHeader, rawAlias]: (string | undefined)[] = capture

          const [fp, anchor] = splitAnchor(`${rawFp ?? ""}${rawHeader ?? ""}`)
          const blockRef = Boolean(rawHeader?.match(/^#?\^/)) ? "^" : ""
          const displayAnchor = anchor ? `#${blockRef}${anchor.trim().replace(/^#+/, "")}` : ""
          const displayAlias = rawAlias ?? rawHeader?.replace("#", "|") ?? ""
          const embedDisplay = value.startsWith("!") ? "!" : ""

          if (rawFp?.match(externalLinkRegex)) {
            return `${embedDisplay}[${displayAlias.replace(/^\|/, "")}](${rawFp})`

          return `${embedDisplay}[[${fp}${displayAnchor}${displayAlias}]]`

      return src
    markdownPlugins(_ctx) {
      const plugins: PluggableList = []

      // regex replacements
      plugins.push(() => {
        return (tree: Root, file) => {
          const replacements: [RegExp, string | ReplaceFunction][] = []
          const base = pathToRoot(!)

          if (opts.wikilinks) {
              (value: string, ...capture: string[]) => {
                let [rawFp, rawHeader, rawAlias] = capture
                const fp = rawFp?.trim() ?? ""
                const anchor = rawHeader?.trim() ?? ""
                const alias = rawAlias?.slice(1).trim()

                // embed cases
                if (value.startsWith("!")) {
                  const ext: string = path.extname(fp).toLowerCase()
                  const url = slugifyFilePath(fp as FilePath)
                  if ([".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ".svg", ".webp"].includes(ext)) {
                    const match = wikilinkImageEmbedRegex.exec(alias ?? "")
                    const alt = match?.groups?.alt ?? ""
                    const width = match?.groups?.width ?? "auto"
                    const height = match?.groups?.height ?? "auto"
                    return {
                      type: "image",
                      data: {
                        hProperties: {
                  } else if ([".mp4", ".webm", ".ogv", ".mov", ".mkv"].includes(ext)) {
                    return {
                      type: "html",
                      value: `<video src="${url}" controls></video>`,
                  } else if (
                    [".mp3", ".webm", ".wav", ".m4a", ".ogg", ".3gp", ".flac"].includes(ext)
                  ) {
                    return {
                      type: "html",
                      value: `<audio src="${url}" controls></audio>`,
                  } else if ([".pdf"].includes(ext)) {
                    return {
                      type: "html",
                      value: `<iframe src="${url}" class="pdf"></iframe>`,
                  } else {
                    const block = anchor
                    return {
                      type: "html",
                      data: { hProperties: { transclude: true } },
                      value: `<blockquote class="transclude" data-url="${url}" data-block="${block}" data-embed-alias="${alias}"><a href="${
                        url + anchor
                      }" class="transclude-inner">Transclude of ${url}${block}</a></blockquote>`,

                  // otherwise, fall through to regular link

                // internal link
                const url = fp + anchor

                return {
                  type: "link",
                  children: [
                      type: "text",
                      value: alias ?? fp,

          if (opts.highlight) {
              (_value: string, ...capture: string[]) => {
                const [inner] = capture
                return {
                  type: "html",
                  value: `<span class="text-highlight">${inner}</span>`,

          if (opts.parseArrows) {
              (value: string, ..._capture: string[]) => {
                const maybeArrow = arrowMapping[value]
                if (maybeArrow === undefined) return SKIP
                return {
                  type: "html",
                  value: `<span>${maybeArrow}</span>`,

          if (opts.parseTags) {
              (_value: string, tag: string) => {
                // Check if the tag only includes numbers and slashes
                if (/^[\/\d]+$/.test(tag)) {
                  return false

                tag = slugTag(tag)
                if ( {
                  const noteTags = ?? []
         = [ Set([...noteTags, tag])]

                return {
                  type: "link",
                  url: base + `/tags/${tag}`,
                  data: {
                    hProperties: {
                      className: ["tag-link"],
                  children: [
                      type: "text",
                      value: tag,

          if (opts.enableInHtmlEmbed) {
            visit(tree, "html", (node: Html) => {
              for (const [regex, replace] of replacements) {
                if (typeof replace === "string") {
                  node.value = node.value.replace(regex, replace)
                } else {
                  node.value = node.value.replace(regex, (substring: string, ...args) => {
                    const replaceValue = replace(substring, ...args)
                    if (typeof replaceValue === "string") {
                      return replaceValue
                    } else if (Array.isArray(replaceValue)) {
                    } else if (typeof replaceValue === "object" && replaceValue !== null) {
                      return mdastToHtml(replaceValue)
                    } else {
                      return substring
          mdastFindReplace(tree, replacements)

      if (opts.enableVideoEmbed) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: Root, _file) => {
            visit(tree, "image", (node, index, parent) => {
              if (parent && index != undefined && videoExtensionRegex.test(node.url)) {
                const newNode: Html = {
                  type: "html",
                  value: `<video controls src="${node.url}"></video>`,

                parent.children.splice(index, 1, newNode)
                return SKIP

      if (opts.callouts) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: Root, _file) => {
            visit(tree, "blockquote", (node) => {
              if (node.children.length === 0) {

              // find first line and callout content
              const [firstChild, ...calloutContent] = node.children
              if (firstChild.type !== "paragraph" || firstChild.children[0]?.type !== "text") {

              const text = firstChild.children[0].value
              const restOfTitle = firstChild.children.slice(1)
              const [firstLine, ...remainingLines] = text.split("\n")
              const remainingText = remainingLines.join("\n")

              const match = firstLine.match(calloutRegex)
              if (match && match.input) {
                const [calloutDirective, typeString, calloutMetaData, collapseChar] = match
                const calloutType = canonicalizeCallout(typeString.toLowerCase())
                const collapse = collapseChar === "+" || collapseChar === "-"
                const defaultState = collapseChar === "-" ? "collapsed" : "expanded"
                const titleContent = match.input.slice(calloutDirective.length).trim()
                const useDefaultTitle = titleContent === "" && restOfTitle.length === 0
                const titleNode: Paragraph = {
                  type: "paragraph",
                  children: [
                      type: "text",
                      value: useDefaultTitle
                        ? capitalize(typeString).replace(/-/g, " ")
                        : titleContent + " ",
                const title = mdastToHtml(titleNode)

                const toggleIcon = `<div class="fold-callout-icon"></div>`

                const titleHtml: Html = {
                  type: "html",
                  value: `<div
                  <div class="callout-icon"></div>
                  <div class="callout-title-inner">${title}</div>
                  ${collapse ? toggleIcon : ""}

                const blockquoteContent: (BlockContent | DefinitionContent)[] = [titleHtml]
                if (remainingText.length > 0) {
                    type: "paragraph",
                    children: [
                        type: "text",
                        value: remainingText,

                // replace first line of blockquote with title and rest of the paragraph text
                node.children.splice(0, 1, ...blockquoteContent)

                const classNames = ["callout", calloutType]
                if (collapse) {
                if (defaultState === "collapsed") {

                // add properties to base blockquote
       = {
                  hProperties: {
                    ...( ?? {}),
                    className: classNames.join(" "),
                    "data-callout": calloutType,
                    "data-callout-fold": collapse,
                    "data-callout-metadata": calloutMetaData,

                // Add callout-content class to callout body if it has one.
                if (calloutContent.length > 0) {
                  const contentData: BlockContent | DefinitionContent = {
                    data: {
                      hProperties: {
                        className: "callout-content",
                      hName: "div",
                    type: "blockquote",
                    children: [...calloutContent],
                  node.children = [node.children[0], contentData]

      if (opts.mermaid) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: Root, _file) => {
            visit(tree, "code", (node: Code) => {
              if (node.lang === "mermaid") {
       = {
                  hProperties: {
                    className: ["mermaid"],
                    "data-clipboard": JSON.stringify(node.value),

      return plugins
    htmlPlugins() {
      const plugins: PluggableList = [rehypeRaw]

      if (opts.parseBlockReferences) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          const inlineTagTypes = new Set(["p", "li"])
          const blockTagTypes = new Set(["blockquote"])
          return (tree: HtmlRoot, file) => {
   = {}

            visit(tree, "element", (node, index, parent) => {
              if (blockTagTypes.has(node.tagName)) {
                const nextChild = parent?! + 2) as Element
                if (nextChild && nextChild.tagName === "p") {
                  const text = as Literal
                  if (text && text.value && text.type === "text") {
                    const matches = text.value.match(blockReferenceRegex)
                    if (matches && matches.length >= 1) {
                      parent!.children.splice(index! + 2, 1)
                      const block = matches[0].slice(1)

                      if (!Object.keys(!).includes(block)) {
               = {
                          id: block,
              ![block] = node
              } else if (inlineTagTypes.has(node.tagName)) {
                const last = as Literal
                if (last && last.value && typeof last.value === "string") {
                  const matches = last.value.match(blockReferenceRegex)
                  if (matches && matches.length >= 1) {
                    last.value = last.value.slice(0, -matches[0].length)
                    const block = matches[0].slice(1)

                    if (last.value === "") {
                      // this is an inline block ref but the actual block
                      // is the previous element above it
                      let idx = (index ?? 1) - 1
                      while (idx >= 0) {
                        const element = parent?
                        if (!element) break
                        if (element.type !== "element") {
                          idx -= 1
                        } else {
                          if (!Object.keys(!).includes(block)) {
                   = {
                              id: block,
                  ![block] = element
                    } else {
                      // normal paragraph transclude
                      if (!Object.keys(!).includes(block)) {
               = {
                          id: block,
              ![block] = node

   = tree

      if (opts.enableYouTubeEmbed) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: HtmlRoot) => {
            visit(tree, "element", (node) => {
              if (node.tagName === "img" && typeof === "string") {
                const match =
                const videoId = match && match[2].length == 11 ? match[2] : null
                const playlistId =[1]
                if (videoId) {
                  // YouTube video (with optional playlist)
                  node.tagName = "iframe"
         = {
                    class: "external-embed youtube",
                    allow: "fullscreen",
                    frameborder: 0,
                    width: "600px",
                    src: playlistId
                      ? `${videoId}?list=${playlistId}`
                      : `${videoId}`,
                } else if (playlistId) {
                  // YouTube playlist only.
                  node.tagName = "iframe"
         = {
                    class: "external-embed youtube",
                    allow: "fullscreen",
                    frameborder: 0,
                    width: "600px",
                    src: `${playlistId}`,

      if (opts.enableCheckbox) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: HtmlRoot, _file) => {
            visit(tree, "element", (node) => {
              if (node.tagName === "input" && === "checkbox") {
                const isChecked = ?? false
       = {
                  type: "checkbox",
                  disabled: false,
                  checked: isChecked,
                  class: "checkbox-toggle",

      if (opts.mermaid) {
        plugins.push(() => {
          return (tree: HtmlRoot, _file) => {
            visit(tree, "element", (node: Element, _idx, parent) => {
              if (
                node.tagName === "code" &&
                (( ?? []) as string[])?.includes("mermaid")
              ) {
                parent!.children = [
                    type: "element",
                    tagName: "button",
                    properties: {
                      className: ["expand-button"],
                      "aria-label": "Expand mermaid diagram",
                      "aria-hidden": "true",
                      "data-view-component": true,
                    children: [
                        type: "element",
                        tagName: "svg",
                        properties: {
                          width: 16,
                          height: 16,
                          viewBox: "0 0 16 16",
                          fill: "currentColor",
                        children: [
                            type: "element",
                            tagName: "path",
                            properties: {
                              fillRule: "evenodd",
                              d: "M3.72 3.72a.75.75 0 011.06 1.06L2.56 7h10.88l-2.22-2.22a.75.75 0 011.06-1.06l3.5 3.5a.75.75 0 010 1.06l-3.5 3.5a.75.75 0 11-1.06-1.06l2.22-2.22H2.56l2.22 2.22a.75.75 0 11-1.06 1.06l-3.5-3.5a.75.75 0 010-1.06l3.5-3.5z",
                            children: [],
                    type: "element",
                    tagName: "div",
                    properties: { id: "mermaid-container" },
                    children: [
                        type: "element",
                        tagName: "div",
                        properties: { id: "mermaid-space" },
                        children: [
                            type: "element",
                            tagName: "div",
                            properties: { className: ["mermaid-header"] },
                            children: [
                                type: "element",
                                tagName: "button",
                                properties: {
                                  className: ["close-button"],
                                  "aria-label": "close button",
                                children: [
                                    type: "element",
                                    tagName: "svg",
                                    properties: {
                                      "aria-hidden": "true",
                                      xmlns: "",
                                      width: 24,
                                      height: 24,
                                      viewBox: "0 0 24 24",
                                      fill: "none",
                                      stroke: "currentColor",
                                      "stroke-width": "2",
                                      "stroke-linecap": "round",
                                      "stroke-linejoin": "round",
                                    children: [
                                        type: "element",
                                        tagName: "line",
                                        properties: {
                                          x1: 18,
                                          y1: 6,
                                          x2: 6,
                                          y2: 18,
                                        children: [],
                                        type: "element",
                                        tagName: "line",
                                        properties: {
                                          x1: 6,
                                          y1: 6,
                                          x2: 18,
                                          y2: 18,
                                        children: [],
                            type: "element",
                            tagName: "div",
                            properties: { className: ["mermaid-content"] },
                            children: [],

      return plugins
    externalResources() {
      const js: JSResource[] = []
      const css: CSSResource[] = []

      if (opts.enableCheckbox) {
          script: checkboxScript,
          loadTime: "afterDOMReady",
          contentType: "inline",

      if (opts.callouts) {
          script: calloutScript,
          loadTime: "afterDOMReady",
          contentType: "inline",

      if (opts.mermaid) {
          script: mermaidExtensionScript,
          loadTime: "afterDOMReady",
          moduleType: "module",
          contentType: "inline",
          content: mermaidStyle,
          inline: true,

      return { js, css }

declare module "vfile" {
  interface DataMap {
    blocks: Record<string, Element>
    htmlAst: HtmlRoot