# the involution - yet another developer blog This repository hosts the source code for my blog, written in Haskell and powered by [hakyll](https://jaspervdj.be/hakyll/) and [pandoc](https://pandoc.org). Builds are managed by [nix](https://nixos.org). This repo is merely the source code, the actual site is hosted at [blog.youwen.dev](https://blog.youwen.dev). To build locally, install `nix` and enable flakes. Additionally, install the `direnv` tool so that the provided binary utilities can be hooked into your shell. It is also possible to perform the following steps without `direnv` if you know what you are doing. Allow the `.envrc`: ```bash direnv allow ``` Wait for the build to finish. Now, you will have the `rollup` and `hakyll-site` binaries in your PATH. We need to compile the site source code first, and then inject the bundled CSS and JS using `rollup`. This is done automatically by `nix build`, which is used for GitHub Pages deployment, but it is inconvenient for local development. Here's how to do it locally. First, we need to build the site. Run ```bash hakyll-site build # sometimes, we need to ignore the cache if things aren't working hakyll-site rebuild # can also use `watch` for convenient development hakyll-site watch # starts dev server at localhost:8000 ``` This will create `./dist`, containing the static assets. However, the required CSS and JS is not in there yet! That is built by `rollup`, since we are using `tailwindcss` and `postcss` and some JS minifying tools. First, we need the `node_modules`. We don't provide a `package-lock.json` since we don't use `npm` to manage node modules. Therefore, we need to obtain the `node_modules` used by the project. In the directory, there is a `node_modules` symlink to `result/lib/node_modules`. If we build the `nodeDeps` package, the `node_modules` will be made available at this path. So, run the following: ```bash nix build .#nodeDeps ``` This will install the node modules in the Nix store and create the `result` symlink. Keep in mind that if this `result` symlink is ever overwritten, you need to re-run the above command or else node_modules will not be accessible. Finally, run the following to generate the bundled CSS and JS files. ```bash rollup -c ``` You have to re-run this whenever you change the CSS and JS files in `src/`. Keep in mind that if `hakyll-site` ever overwrites `dist/out`, you will also have to re-run this command.