let code = document.getElementById('code') let raw = [] let els = [] const SOURCES = [ './assets/sources/index.css', './assets/sources/index.html', './assets/sources/index.js', './assets/sources/x-proto-dns.sh', ] hljs.configure({ languages: ['javascript', 'css', 'html', 'bash'], ignoreUnescapedHTML: true }) let highlight = () => { document.querySelectorAll('pre').forEach(el => { hljs.highlightElement(el) }) } let spawn = () => { els.forEach(el => { if (Math.random() < 0.3) el.remove() }) let spawned = document.createElement('pre') let source = raw[Math.floor(Math.random() * raw.length)] let start = Math.floor(Math.random() * source.length) let length = 250 let end = start + length let text = source.substring(start, end) spawned.innerText = text code.appendChild(spawned) let x = Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - 500) let y = Math.random() * (window.innerHeight - 400) spawned.style.left = x + 'px' spawned.style.top = (2 * y + 500) + 'px' spawned.style.width = '500px' spawned.style.height = '100px' spawned.style.textWrap = 'wrap' spawned.style.opacity = 0.5 spawned.style.background = 'black' spawned.style.position = 'absolute' spawned.style.overflow = 'hidden' highlight() els.push(spawned) setTimeout(spawn, 100) } let init = async () => { for (let source of SOURCES) { let res1 = await fetch(source) let text1 = await res1.text() let formatted = text1.replace(/\n/g, '') raw.push(formatted); } } init().then(spawn) let quakeInstructions = () => { alert( 'Here are the steps to follow to join QuakeJS multiplayer (while at school):\n\n' + '1. Check your WiFi settings and connect to the "Gas Leak" network. If you don\'t see this network, there\'s probably no game to join.\n' + '2. The password to the "Gas Leak" network is "fish_tony" (disable any VPNs before connecting).\n' + '3. Navigate to on your browser (or close this dialog).\n' + '4. Click esc and configure settings (try SETUP > PLAYER to rename).\n' + '5. Leave arena and click MULTIPLAYER.\n' + '6. Click SPECIFY and type in as the address.\n' + '7. Leave the port unchanged and join the game.\n' + '8. Use "t" to chat.\n\n' + 'Happy fragging!' ) window.location.href = '' }