# Jankboard 2 [![maintainability status](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/4bedd567dbf60ec87164/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/repos/65dfbdc904f9ed00bbf381c8/maintainability) ![build](https://github.com/couscousdude/jankboard-2/actions/workflows/main.yml/badge.svg) ![build all platforms](https://github.com/couscousdude/jankboard-2/actions/workflows/publish-all.yml/badge.svg) [![https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation/assets/images/badge.svg](https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation/assets/images/badge.svg)](https://good-labs.github.io/greater-good-affirmation) Team 1280's custom, powerful, and opinionated dashboard for controlling FRC Robots, built with [Svelte](https://svelte.dev/) and [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/), and powered by [Rust (Tauri)](https://tauri.app/). Unlike Shuffleboard, which attempts to provide an unopinionated "blank slate" with an easy to configure and modular environment for displaying robot data, Jankboard 2 is purpose built for Team 1280's Swerve drivebase robots and their needs. It's tightly integrated with our proprietary robot features, like collision warning and detection, and displays robot drive modes. Shuffleboard, while easy to set up, lacks the fine-grained adjustments and customization which are afforded by a fully custom solution. The UI looks outdated and is quite ugly. In stark contrast, Jankboard's UI is reminiscient of and inspired by dashboards designed by car manufacturers, making it easy for the driver to get the information they need at a glance, without squinting at Shuffleboard's tiny and ugly UIs. It even includes a full 3D robot visualization, synced directly with the robot's movements in real life. Even though the dashboard's layout and design are highly opinionated and not meant to be heavily modular, features can still be easily extended via a drop-in app system which supports easy drop-in app integration. Jankboard 2 ships with a few apps by default, featuring a camera feed, robot settings configurator, and even a music player and games. ## Installation guide We recommend installing the latest stable release binaries from [our release page](https://github.com/Team-1280/Jankboard-2/releases/), if you're just looking to run the Jankboard. Alternatively, if you can't find release binaries for your system, follow the directions below in the [For developers](#for-developers) section to build it from source. We will periodically update the releases with new builds when we come out with stable versions, and we follow [semantic versioning](https://semver.org/). ## A brief footnote on the name "Jankboard 2" The name "Jankboard" comes from Team 1280's original attempt at creating a custom dashboard. Though it looked and functioned superficially similar to Jankboard 2, it was not designed with maintainability in mind and became exceptionally difficult to extend and develop as the codebase became bloated. Jankboard 2 is a version redesigned from the ground up with the goal of easy maintainability and richer features. It contains both a completely rewritten frontend and backend, which have been improved in almost every possible way. You can view the original version at [its archived repository.](https://github.com/Team-1280/Jankboard-Super-Jank/tree/f42715f5ae1897e95ef15103b16ba6e764d2c0be) ## For developers If you would like to contribute to Jankboard 2, there's only a few simple steps to get the development build up and running. ### Prerequisites - Rust and `cargo`. Check the [Rust docs](https://www.rust-lang.org/learn) for more information. We recommend you install Rust using `rustup`. Keep in mind that this is ONLY necessary for development, release binaries do not require Rust. - `pnpm`, for installing dependencies and the `vite` development server. - Ideally, NodeJS, but it's technically not required as `pnpm` brings its own node binary. ### Installation steps 1. Clone the repository. The `client` folder contains the vast majority of the source code for the desktop app. 2. `cd` into the `client` folder. The configuration files and `package.json`, This is where stuff like `package.json` and configuration files for our various tooling are housed. The `client/src-tauri` directory contains the Rust source code and `cargo` configuration files for the backend that interfaces with the robot via Network Tables. 3. Run `pnpm install` to install dependencies. 4. To run the desktop app in developer mode (with automatic hot stateful reload and other useful features like error reporting), make sure you're in the `client` directory and run `pnpm run tauri dev`. This will install and build the Rust dependencies via `cargo` and initialize the `vite` development server for the frontend. Note that since this is basically just running the `vite` development server and then connecting the Tauri webview to it, there may be slightly inconsistent behavior in dev mode versus production mode. 5. To create a production binary, run `pnpm run tauri build`. Tauri 6. To create a production binary, run `pnpm run tauri build`. Tauri cross-compilation is still in beta, so you should generally try to build targeting the same OS you're currently running. Check [the Tauri docs](https://tauri.app/v1/guides/building/) for more information. We also have some Github Actions set up to automatically compile a production build for all platforms, but this is expensive (uses over 30 minutes of our quota), and should only be used for publishing new major releases. ## Troubleshooting common issues - If you're experiencing issues with TypeScript type checking or dependency resolution, try opening your editor directly in the `client` directory so it picks up the `tsconfig.json` and uses the project's own TypeScript language server. - If you don't have access to a development environment that supports running standalone executables (eg. Github Codespaces), you can try running `pnpm run dev` instead of `pnpm run tauri dev`, which will open a development server at `localhost:5173` with the frontend running in the web. However, app behavior may be inconsistent and you will not get any features from the Rust backend. ## Current progress and improvements over (original) Jankboard - Layout, toasts/notifications, music player, and app system ported. - Toast and audio cue system is much more robust - Transitions added almost everywhere to make things smoother - Tauri app created successfully, currently still using Flask backend - Visualization vastly improved with Threlte (Three.js) powered 3D robot simulation - Robot model ported successfully via massive optimization through polygon decimation - Added settings app with options to disable certain features and developer tools for testing - Created dynamic voice prompt system to support new languages very easily - Overhaul backend in Rust - Overhaul visualization (especially camera) - Added Vlad's voice lines (AT LAST) ## TODO - Camera cutout overlay - Overhaul audio player system - Further integrate telemetry (like GPWS, collision warning, etc) - Finish re-creating / adding various voice alerts and sequences