{ config, pkgs, inputs, ... }: { imports = [ ./secrets ./neomutt.nix inputs.zenTyp.homeManagerModules.default ]; zenTyp.enable = true; home = { username = "youwen"; homeDirectory = "/home/youwen"; }; liminalOS = { utils.easyeffects.enable = true; desktop.hyprland.screenlocker.useNvidiaCrashFix = true; }; programs.git = { userName = "Youwen Wu"; userEmail = "youwenw@gmail.com"; signing = { signByDefault = true; key = "8F5E6C1AF90976CA7102917A865658ED1FE61EC3"; }; }; # must set identitiesOnly since we are adding a ton of SSH keys to ssh-agent and it tries all of them programs.ssh = { enable = true; matchBlocks = { "code.youwen.dev" = { host = "code.youwen.dev"; # port = 222; identityFile = config.age.secrets.youwen_dev_ssh_priv_key.path; identitiesOnly = true; }; "github" = { host = "github.com"; identityFile = config.age.secrets.github_ssh_priv_key.path; identitiesOnly = true; }; "gallium" = { host = "gallium"; port = 222; identityFile = config.age.secrets.gallium_server_ssh.path; identitiesOnly = true; }; "truth.youwen.dev" = { host = "truth.youwen.dev"; port = 222; identitiesOnly = true; identityFile = config.age.secrets.gallium_server_ssh.path; }; }; addKeysToAgent = "yes"; }; # text/html; ~/.mutt/view_attachment.sh %s html; test=test -n "$DISPLAY" home.file.".mailcap".text = '' text/html; ${pkgs.w3m}/bin/w3m %s; nametemplate=%s.html; needsterminal text/html; ${pkgs.w3m}/bin/w3m -v -F -T text/html -dump %s; copiousoutput ''; programs.fish.functions = { vault = '' set vault_dir $HOME/Documents/vaults/vault if test -d $vault_dir cd $vault_dir git pull vim else echo "Vault is not yet cloned. Cloning repository now." mkdir -p $HOME/Documents/vaults cd $HOME/Documents/vaults git clone git@code.youwen.dev:youwen5/vault.git cd $vault_dir nvim -c "Telescope find_files" end ''; ale = '' set vault_dir $HOME/Documents/alexandria/content if test -d $vault_dir cd $vault_dir git pull vim else echo "Vault is not yet cloned. Cloning repository now." mkdir -p $HOME/Documents cd $HOME/Documents git clone git@code.youwen.dev:youwen5/alexandria.git cd $vault_dir nvim -c "Telescope find_files" end ''; }; }