# liminalOS This is a repository that implements liminalOS, my personal Linux distribution based on [NixOS](https://nixos.org/). The most overengineered personal computing environment, ever. Imagine having to `vim` into source code and recompile an entire operating system to change a font. Yes, I use this on a daily basis. A flowchart of the system is provided below: ```mermaid flowchart TB subgraph "Core System Layer" NixOS["NixOS/Darwin Base"] SysMod["System Modules"]:::sysmod HM["Home Manager"]:::hm end subgraph "Platform Modules" subgraph "Linux Modules" LinuxCore["Linux Core"]:::linux Desktop["Desktop Environment"]:::linux Audio["Audio System"]:::linux Gaming["Gaming Support"]:::linux Graphics["Graphics"]:::linux end subgraph "Darwin Modules" DarwinCore["Darwin Core"]:::darwin Homebrew["Homebrew"]:::darwin WM["Window Management"]:::darwin end end subgraph "Home Manager Layer" CommonMod["Common Modules"]:::hmmod ShellEnv["Shell Environment"]:::hmmod Tools["Essential Tools"]:::hmmod subgraph "Platform-Specific HM" LinuxHM["Linux Config"]:::linux Theming["Linux Theming"]:::linux Hyprland["Hyprland Config"]:::linux DarwinHM["Darwin Config"]:::darwin end end subgraph "Package Management" Packages["Custom Packages"]:::pkg Overlays["Overlays"]:::pkg end subgraph "Host Configuration" RefHosts["Reference Hosts"]:::host Templates["Host Templates"]:::host end subgraph "Build System" Flake["Flake Entry Point"]:::build Builder["Build System"]:::build end %% Relationships NixOS --> SysMod SysMod --> LinuxCore & DarwinCore HM --> CommonMod CommonMod --> ShellEnv & Tools CommonMod --> LinuxHM & DarwinHM LinuxHM --> Theming & Hyprland DarwinCore --> Homebrew & WM LinuxCore --> Desktop & Audio & Gaming & Graphics Flake --> Builder Builder --> RefHosts Templates --> RefHosts Packages --> Overlays Overlays --> Builder %% Click Events click SysMod "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules" click LinuxCore "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/linux/core" click DarwinCore "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/darwin" click HM "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm" click CommonMod "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm/modules/common" click ShellEnv "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm/modules/common/shellenv" click Tools "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm/modules/common/essentials" click Desktop "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/linux/desktop-environment" click Audio "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/linux/audio" click Gaming "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/linux/gaming" click Graphics "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/modules/linux/graphics" click Homebrew "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/blob/main/modules/darwin/homebrew.nix" click WM "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/blob/main/modules/darwin/yabai.nix" click RefHosts "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/reference/hosts" click Templates "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/templates/minimal" click Packages "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/pkgs/by-name" click Overlays "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/overlays" click Theming "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm/modules/linux/theming" click Hyprland "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/tree/main/hm/modules/linux/desktop-environment/hyprland" click Builder "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/blob/main/lib/buildLiminalOS.nix" click Flake "https://github.com/youwen5/liminalOS/blob/main/flake.nix" %% Styling classDef default fill:#f9f9f9,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px; classDef sysmod fill:#a8d1f0,stroke:#333; classDef hm fill:#b8e6b8,stroke:#333; classDef hmmod fill:#d1f0a8,stroke:#333; classDef linux fill:#f0a8a8,stroke:#333; classDef darwin fill:#f0d1a8,stroke:#333; classDef pkg fill:#d1a8f0,stroke:#333; classDef host fill:#a8f0d1,stroke:#333; classDef build fill:#f0f0a8,stroke:#333; ``` Documentation is [available](https://garden.youwen.dev/Hacks/liminalOS-docs). This repository exposes a NixOS module that declares the entire liminalOS operating system. It aims to be an easy way to both set up a brand new system with my opinionated configurations, and also inject into an existing NixOS configuration. My reference implementations of liminalOS on actual working systems are available [here](./reference). liminalOS is currently in a heavily experimental state, but it is used in production every day! You can try it with `nix flake init -t github:youwen5/liminalOS`, which will create a sample configuration flake along with corresponding files. Keep in mind you'll have to do a little bit of work in these files to get a working system configuration. Some Nix knowledge is expected, but comments are there to help! Here's a snapshot of the entire _dependency graph_ of the system, a directed acyclic graph (DAG) representing the relationships between every single piece of software installed, represented as nodes, all branching out from `xgcc`.  ## Hosts The modules in liminalOS are designed to be utilized by a wide variety of machine configurations, including via nix-darwin on macOS. To that end, modules are organized by operating system (darwin vs. linux), architecture (x86_64 vs. aarch-64), and form factor (desktop vs laptop). Anything that is agnostic of these distinctions is considered a "common module" and allows configuration to be shared between the various host types. This generally includes core programs like CLI tools, the window manager, etc. The [flake.nix](/flake.nix) currently contains my configuration for four hosts: | Hostname | Description | | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | "callisto" | a Macbook Pro M1 (2021) running under Asahi Linux. Imports the laptop module sets as well as the core NixOS module sets. | | "demeter" | a custom desktop with an i7-13700KF and RTX 4080. Imports the desktop module, the core NixOS modules, and additionally the gaming module. | | "phobos" | Macbook Pro M1 (2021) running macOS with nix-darwin. Imports the core home-manager module as well as some darwin-specific modules for window managers and the like. | | "adrastea" | Razer Blade 14 (2021) with RTX 3070. Imports the laptop module, the core NixOS modules, and the gaming module. | [^1]: also known as GNU/Linux, GNU+Linux, Freedesktop/systemd/musl/busybox Linux, Linux+friends, etc [^2]: although this is not actually how the converse works, the rigor-hungry mathematicians reading can cry about it. <!--## Keybinds--> <!----> <!--Non-exhaustive.--> <!----> <!--| Shortcut | Action |--> <!--| -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------- |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>W</kbd> | Toggle floating |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>K</kbd> | Toggle layout |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>E</kbd> | Open Dolphin |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>T</kbd> | Open kitty |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>F</kbd> | Open librewolf |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>R</kbd> | Open pavucontrol |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Space</kbd> | Open rofi |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Backspace</kbd> | Open logout menu |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>L</kbd> | Screenshot region |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>H</kbd><kbd>J</kbd><kbd>K</kbd><kbd>L</kbd> | Move around |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>H</kbd><kbd>L</kbd> | Move workspaces |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>H</kbd><kbd>J</kbd><kbd>K</kbd><kbd>L</kbd> | Move windows around workspaces |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Shift</kbd> + <kbd>Ctrl</kbd> + <kbd>H</kbd><kbd>J</kbd><kbd>K</kbd><kbd>L</kbd> | Move windows around |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> | Open Special Workspace |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Enter</kbd> | Fullscreen Window |--> <!--| <kbd>Super</kbd> + <kbd>Alt</kbd> + <kbd>S</kbd> | Move Window to Special Workspace |-->