mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 05:01:12 -08:00
685 lines
16 KiB
685 lines
16 KiB
{pkgs, ...}: {
programs.nixvim = {
enable = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
withNodeJs = true;
withRuby = true;
extraPackages = with pkgs; [
# Rust
# Nix
# Python
# Lua
# Haskell
# Misc
luaLoader.enable = true;
performance = {
combinePlugins.enable = true;
byteCompileLua.enable = true;
colorschemes.rose-pine.enable = true;
opts = {
laststatus = 3;
relativenumber = true;
number = true;
globals = {
mapleader = " ";
extraConfigLua = ''
vim.diagnostic.config({ virtual_lines = false });
keymaps = [
# Unmap space (leader)
action = "<nop>";
key = "<Leader>";
options = {
noremap = true;
silent = true;
mode = "n";
action = "<cmd>sp<CR><C-w>j";
key = "<Leader>-";
options.silent = true;
options.desc = "Split window horizontally";
action = "<cmd>vsp<CR><c-w>l";
key = "<Leader>\\";
options.silent = true;
options.desc = "Split window vertically";
action = "<cmd>ZenMode<CR>";
key = "<Space>wz";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Zen mode";
action = "<C-w>h";
key = "<C-h>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to left window";
action = "<C-w>j";
key = "<C-j>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to lower window";
action = "<C-w>k";
key = "<C-k>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to upper window";
action = "<C-w>l";
key = "<C-l>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to right window";
action = "<cmd>close<CR>";
key = "<Leader>wd";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Close current window";
action = "<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>";
key = "<Leader>ff";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Find files";
action = "<cmd>Telescope live_grep<CR>";
key = "<Leader>/";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Live grep";
action = "<cmd>Telescope buffers<CR>";
key = "<Leader>fb";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "List buffers";
action = "<cmd>Telescope help_tags<CR>";
key = "<Leader>fh";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Help tags";
action = "<cmd>lua require'telescope.builtin'.lsp_definitions{}<CR>";
key = "gd";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Go to definition";
action = "<cmd>lua require'telescope.builtin'.git_files{}<CR>";
key = "<Leader> ";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "List Git files";
action = "<cmd>lua require'telescope.builtin'.find_files{}<CR>";
key = "<Leader>ff";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "List all files";
action = "<C-\\><C-n>";
key = "<C-Esc>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Go to normal mode in built-in terminal.";
mode = "t";
action = ":resize +4<CR>";
key = "<Leader>w=";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Increase window height.";
action = ":resize -4<CR>";
key = "<Leader>w-";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Decrease window height.";
action = ":vertical resize +4<CR>";
key = "<Leader>w]";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Increase window width.";
action = ":vertical resize -4<CR>";
key = "<Leader>w[";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Decrease window width.";
action = ":Bdelete!<CR>";
key = "<Leader>bd";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Close buffer";
action = ":bprev<CR>";
key = "H";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to the previous buffer.";
action = ":bnext<CR>";
key = "L";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to the next buffer.";
action = ":LazyGit<CR>";
key = "<Leader>gg";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open LazyGit";
action = ":split | wincmd j | resize 15 | term<CR>";
key = "<Leader>tt";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open a half-size horizontal terminal split";
mode = "n";
action = ":split | wincmd j | term<CR>";
key = "<Leader>te";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open a horizontal terminal split";
mode = "n";
action = ":vsplit | wincmd l | term<CR>";
key = "<Leader>tv";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open a vertical terminal split";
mode = "n";
action = ":Trouble diagnostics<CR>";
key = "<Leader>xx";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "View trouble diagnostics";
mode = "n";
action = ":Trouble symbols<CR>";
key = "<Leader>xs";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "View symbols";
mode = "n";
action = "<Plug>(YankyPutAfter)";
key = "p";
mode = ["n" "x"];
action = "<Plug>(YankyPutBefore)";
key = "P";
mode = ["n" "x"];
action = "<Plug>(YankyGPutAfter)";
key = "gp";
mode = ["n" "x"];
action = "<Plug>(YankyGPutBefore)";
key = "gP";
mode = ["n" "x"];
action = ":Telescope yank_history<CR>";
key = "<Leader>p";
mode = "n";
action = '':lua require("yazi").yazi()<CR>'';
key = "<Leader>mm";
options = {
desc = "Open Yazi current nvim working directory";
noremap = true;
silent = true;
action = '':lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>'';
key = "<Leader>ca";
options = {
desc = "View available code actions";
noremap = true;
silent = true;
action = '':lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>'';
key = "<Leader>cr";
options = {
desc = "Rename symbol";
noremap = true;
silent = true;
action = '':lua require("lsp_lines").toggle()<CR>'';
key = "<Leader>cd";
options = {
desc = "Toggle lsp lines";
noremap = true;
silent = true;
# {
# action = ":Yazi<CR>";
# key = "<Leader>mf";
# options = {
# desc = "Open Yazi at current file";
# noremap = true;
# silent = true;
# };
# }
# {
# action = "<cmd>lua require'conform'.format({ bufnr = args.bf })<CR>";
# key = "<Leader>cf";
# options = {
# silent = true;
# noremap = true;
# desc = "Format buffer";
# };
# }
plugins = {
# LSP and Treesitter related
lsp = {
enable = true;
inlayHints = true;
servers = {
bashls.enable = true;
clangd.enable = true;
pyright.enable = true;
nixd.enable = true;
nushell.enable = true;
svelte.enable = true;
tailwindcss.enable = true;
typst-lsp.enable = true;
marksman.enable = true;
treesitter = {
enable = true;
settings = {
highlight.enable = true;
indent.enable = true;
folding.enable = true;
lsp-lines.enable = true;
crates-nvim.enable = true;
treesitter-context.enable = true;
# Language specific tools
markdown-preview.enable = true;
# rustaceanvim.enable = true;
typescript-tools.enable = true;
# git stuff
lazygit.enable = true;
gitsigns.enable = true;
# QoL and utility
intellitab.enable = true;
guess-indent.enable = true;
vim-bbye.enable = true;
indent-blankline.enable = true;
which-key.enable = true;
zen-mode.enable = true;
yanky = {
enable = true;
enableTelescope = true;
telescope = {
enable = true;
extensions = {
ui-select = {
enable = true;
settings = {
codeactions = true;
media-files = {
enable = true;
settings = {
filetypes = [
find_cmd = "rg";
dependencies = {
imageMagick.enable = true;
pdftoppm.enable = true;
ffmpegthumbnailer.enable = true;
trouble.enable = true;
direnv.enable = true;
yazi = {
enable = true;
settings = {
open_for_directories = true;
harpoon = {
enable = true;
keymaps = {
addFile = "<Leader>hh";
cmdToggleQuickMenu = "<Leader>hm";
gotoTerminal = {
"1" = "<Leader>ht";
"2" = "<Leader>2";
"3" = "<Leader>3";
"4" = "<Leader>4";
navFile = {
"1" = "<Leader>ha";
"2" = "<Leader>hs";
"3" = "<Leader>hd";
"4" = "<Leader>hf";
navNext = "<Leader>h]";
navPrev = "<Leader>h[";
toggleQuickMenu = "<Leader>hk";
# Code formatting
conform-nvim = {
enable = true;
formatOnSave = {
timeoutMs = 500;
lspFallback = true;
formattersByFt = {
lua = ["stylua"];
python = ["black"];
nix = ["alejandra"];
svelte = ["prettier"];
rust = ["rustfmt"];
haskell = ["fourmolu"];
"*" = ["codespell"];
"_" = ["trim_whitespace"];
# mini.nvim
mini = {
enable = true;
modules = {
surround = {};
pairs = {};
ai = {};
hipatterns = {};
notify = {};
tabline = {};
trailspace = {};
comment = {};
cursorword = {};
bracketed = {};
# Completion
cmp-async-path.enable = true;
cmp = {
enable = true;
settings = {
autoEnableSources = true;
experimental = {ghost_text = true;};
performance = {
debounce = 60;
fetchingTimeout = 200;
maxViewEntries = 30;
snippet = {expand = "luasnip";};
formatting = {fields = ["kind" "abbr" "menu"];};
sources = [
{name = "nvim_lsp";}
{name = "emoji";}
name = "buffer"; # text within current buffer
option.get_bufnrs.__raw = "vim.api.nvim_list_bufs";
keywordLength = 3;
# { name = "copilot"; } # enable/disable copilot
name = "path"; # file system paths
keywordLength = 3;
name = "luasnip"; # snippets
keywordLength = 3;
window = {
completion = {border = "solid";};
documentation = {border = "solid";};
mapping = {
"<Tab>" = "cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.select_next_item(), {'i', 's'})";
"<C-n>" = "cmp.mapping.select_next_item()";
"<C-p>" = "cmp.mapping.select_prev_item()";
"<C-e>" = "cmp.mapping.abort()";
"<C-b>" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-4)";
"<C-f>" = "cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(4)";
"<C-Space>" = "cmp.mapping.complete()";
"<CR>" = "cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true })";
"<S-CR>" = "cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace, select = true })";
cmp-nvim-lsp = {
enable = true; # LSP
cmp-buffer = {
enable = true;
cmp-path = {
enable = true; # file system paths
cmp-cmdline = {
enable = true; # autocomplete for cmdline
# Extra (stuff that doesn't affect editing)
wakatime.enable = true;
presence-nvim = {
enable = true;
editingText = "Hacking %s";
workspaceText = "The One True Text Editor";
buttons = [
label = "GitHub";
url = "https://github.com/youwen5";
label = "Code Forge";
url = "https://code.youwen.dev/";
extraPlugins = [
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "satellite.nvim";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "lewis6991";
repo = "satellite.nvim";
rev = "777ed56e1ef45ec808df701730b6597fc4fb0fbc";
hash = "sha256-04Js+9SB4VuCq/ACbNh5BZcolu8i8vlGU72qo5xxfpk=";
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "render-markdown.nvim";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "MeanderingProgrammer";
repo = "render-markdown.nvim";
rev = "7986be47531d652e950776536987e01dd5b55b94";
hash = "sha256-lc++IrXzEA3M2iUFZACAZOcH2EwVqX4p0fhET+en37o=";
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "haskell-tools-nvim";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mrcjkb";
repo = "haskell-tools.nvim";
rev = "959eac0fadbdd27442904a8cb363f39afb528027";
hash = "sha256-5CS5kvUSqQJe7iFFpicinBjCQXgFPL0ElGgnrZHTT+Y=";
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "rustaceanvim";
src = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "mrcjkb";
repo = "rustaceanvim";
rev = "7cba8e599deca98d4b44cac1bcbd720c62937d90";
hash = "sha256-OYfeJuo4FZUBdW9wGGCT0lZGYr/ur1uy8frcyUJMF3k=";