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synced 2025-02-18 09:51:12 -08:00
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15 commits
Author | SHA1 | Date | |
0fff5154e6 | |||
62b25e1c4b | |||
309bc9a1eb | |||
f297d5116e | |||
859e91ada2 | |||
8a9c7c25a7 | |||
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9aea792f09 | |||
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115b7d6b98 | |||
b00ce44c64 |
6 changed files with 357 additions and 104 deletions
@ -1,12 +1,23 @@
# Neovim Configuration Flake
# viminal
This is the Neovim configuration for all my NixOS and Nix enabled systems (such
as with nix-darwin on macOS). It aims to be minimal and utilitarian; it forgoes
many blingful features like sidebars or fancy UI enhancements in favor of
native (neo)Vim, while still having everything useful you'd expect, like LSPs,
file explorer (`oil.nvim`), completions, advanced language tools, and QoL
This is the Neovim configuration for all my NixOS and Nix enabled systems
(including macOS). It aims to be minimal and utilitarian; it forgoes many
blingful features like sidebars or fancy UI enhancements in favor of native
(neo)Vim, while still having everything useful you'd expect, like LSPs, file
explorer (`oil.nvim`), completions, advanced language tools, and QoL
The central design goal is to prefer Vim whenever possible. The Vim text editor
is already incredibly powerful, and many plugins designed to emulate features
from more bloated editors like VS Code can already be accomplished in native
Vim. To that end, plugins were selected to unobtrusively integrate with Vim.
For instance, `oil.nvim` allows you to interface with your filesystem through a
regular Vim buffer, and Git integration is done by Gitsigns and `Neogit`, which
enable a similar interface for Git. The long-term benefit of this is avoiding
lock-in to a plugin that encourages a heavily idiosyncratic workflow which may
become unmaintained in the future, while the Neovim core itself is almost
assuredly going stick around.
It uses the [Nixvim](https://nix-community.github.io/nixvim/) project under
the hood to declaratively configure Neovim and its plugins, and installs tools
needed by it (like `ripgrep`, `fd`, etc). However, LSPs are not installed or
@ -36,7 +47,7 @@ showing me how to build a Nixvim configuration as a standalone Nix package.
You can test drive my config in just one line (if you have Nix, of course):
nix run 'github:youwen5/neovim-flake' --extra-experimental-features flakes --extra-experimental-features nix-command
nix run 'github:youwen5/viminal' --extra-experimental-features flakes --extra-experimental-features nix-command
If for some reason, you want to install it permanently, add it to your flake
@ -49,7 +60,7 @@ inputs, and install the package in the usual way:
inputs = {
# -- snip --
custom-neovim.url = "github:youwen5/neovim-flake";
viminal.url = "github:youwen5/viminal";
# -- snip --
@ -63,7 +74,7 @@ inputs, and install the package in the usual way:
{inputs, system, ...}:
environment.systemPackages = [
# supported systems: x86_64-linux, aarch64-linux, x86_64-darwin, aarch64-darwin
@ -14,18 +14,6 @@
mode = "n";
action = "<cmd>sp<CR><C-w>j";
key = "<Leader>-";
options.silent = true;
options.desc = "Split window horizontally";
action = "<cmd>vsp<CR><c-w>l";
key = "<Leader>\\";
options.silent = true;
options.desc = "Split window vertically";
action = "<cmd>ZenMode<CR>";
key = "<Space>wz";
@ -35,60 +23,6 @@
desc = "Zen mode";
action = "<C-w>h";
key = "<C-h>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to left window";
action = "<C-w>j";
key = "<C-j>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to lower window";
action = "<C-w>k";
key = "<C-k>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to upper window";
action = "<C-w>l";
key = "<C-l>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Move to right window";
action = "<cmd>close<CR>";
key = "<Leader>wd";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Close current window";
action = "<cmd>Bdelete!<CR><cmd>close<CR>";
key = "<Leader>wk";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Close current window, along with the buffer open inside.";
action = "<cmd>Telescope find_files<CR>";
key = "<Leader>ff";
@ -226,12 +160,191 @@
action = ":LazyGit<CR>";
action = ":Neogit<CR>";
key = "<Leader>gg";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open LazyGit";
desc = "Open Neogit";
action = ":Neogit commit<CR>";
key = "<Leader>gc";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Open commit menu";
mode = "n";
key = "]c";
action = {
__raw = ''
if vim.wo.diff then
vim.cmd.normal({']c', bang = true})
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Go to next hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "[c";
action = {
__raw = ''
if vim.wo.diff then
vim.cmd.normal({'[c', bang = true})
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Go to previous hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gs";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').stage_hunk()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Stage hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gr";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').reset_hunk()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Reset hunk";
mode = "v";
key = "<leader>gs";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').stage_hunk {vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v')}<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Stage hunk";
mode = "v";
key = "<leader>gr";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').reset_hunk {vim.fn.line('.'), vim.fn.line('v')}<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Reset hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gS";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').stage_buffer()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Stage buffer";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gu";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').undo_stage_hunk()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Undo stage hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gR";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').reset_buffer()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Reset buffer";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gp";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').preview_hunk()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Preview hunk";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gb";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').blame_line{full=true}<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "View line blame";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gB";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').toggle_current_line_blame()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Toggle line blame";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gd";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').diffthis()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Git diff";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gD";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').diffthis('~')<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Git diff";
mode = "n";
key = "<leader>gtd";
action = ":lua require('gitsigns').toggle_deleted()<CR>";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Toggle git deleted";
@ -385,14 +498,60 @@
silent = true;
# {
# action = "<cmd>lua require'conform'.format({ bufnr = args.bf })<CR>";
# key = "<Leader>cf";
# options = {
# silent = true;
# noremap = true;
# desc = "Format buffer";
# };
# }
action = {
__raw = ''
function() require('conform').format() end
key = "<Leader>cf";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Format buffer";
action = {
__raw = ''
-- we do this instead of `not vim.g.disable_autoformat` so that we
-- can handle when `vim.g.disable_autoformat` has not yet been defined
if (vim.g.disable_autoformat) then
vim.g.disable_autoformat = false
vim.g.disable_autoformat = true
key = "<Leader>ctf";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Toggle autoformat globally";
action = {
__raw = ''
-- we do this instead of `not vim.g.disable_autoformat` so that we
-- can handle when `vim.g.disable_autoformat` has not yet been defined
if (vim.b[0].disable_autoformat) then
vim.b[0].disable_autoformat = false
vim.b[0].disable_autoformat = true
key = "<Leader>cbf";
options = {
silent = true;
noremap = true;
desc = "Toggle autoformat in buffer";
@ -39,10 +39,45 @@
# package = pkgs.vimPlugins.conform-nvim;
settings = {
format_on_save = {
timeoutMs = 500;
lspFallback = true;
# format_on_save = {
# timeoutMs = 500;
# lspFallback = true;
# };
format_on_save = # Lua
if vim.g.disable_autoformat or vim.b[bufnr].disable_autoformat then
-- if slow_format_filetypes[vim.bo[bufnr].filetype] then
-- return
-- end
-- local function on_format(err)
-- if err and err:match("timeout$") then
-- slow_format_filetypes[vim.bo[bufnr].filetype] = true
-- end
-- end
-- return { timeout_ms = 500, lsp_fallback = true }, on_format
return { timeout_ms = 500, lsp_fallback = true }
format_after_save = # Lua
if vim.g.disable_autoformat or vim.b[bufnr].disable_autoformat then
-- if not slow_format_filetypes[vim.bo[bufnr].filetype] then
-- return
-- end
return { lsp_fallback = true }
formatters_by_ft = {
lua = [ "stylua" ];
python = [ "black" ];
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# All the mini.nvim stuff
{ pkgs, ... }:
plugins.mini = {
enable = true;
@ -13,6 +14,14 @@
trailspace = { };
cursorword = { };
bracketed = { };
starter = { };
package = pkgs.vimPlugins.mini-nvim.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
postInstall =
(oldAttrs.postInstall or "")
+ ''
rm $out/doc/mini-git.txt
@ -77,18 +77,22 @@
cmdToggleQuickMenu = "<Leader>hm";
gotoTerminal = {
"1" = "<Leader>ht";
"2" = "<Leader>2";
"3" = "<Leader>3";
"4" = "<Leader>4";
"2" = "<Leader>h2";
"3" = "<Leader>h3";
"4" = "<Leader>h4";
navFile = {
"1" = "<Leader>ha";
"2" = "<Leader>hs";
"3" = "<Leader>hd";
"4" = "<Leader>hf";
"1" = "<C-h>";
"2" = "<C-j>";
"3" = "<C-k>";
"4" = "<C-l>";
"5" = "<Leader>1";
"6" = "<Leader>2";
"7" = "<Leader>3";
"8" = "<Leader>4";
navNext = "<Leader>h]";
navPrev = "<Leader>h[";
navNext = "<Leader>]";
navPrev = "<Leader>[";
toggleQuickMenu = "<Leader>hk";
@ -14,7 +14,10 @@
comment.enable = true;
vim-bbye.enable = true;
indent-blankline.enable = true;
which-key.enable = true;
which-key = {
enable = true;
settings.delay = 1000;
nvim-autopairs.enable = true;
yanky = {
enable = true;
@ -38,15 +41,47 @@
lualine_c = [ "diff" ];
lualine_c = [
lualine_x = [
lualine_y = [
lualine_z = [ "location" ];
options = {
globalstatus = true;
disabled_filetypes = [
section_separators = {
left = "";
right = "";
options.globalstatus = true;
crates-nvim.enable = true;
# git stuff
lazygit.enable = true;
gitsigns.enable = true;
gitsigns = {
enable = true;
settings = {
current_line_blame_opts = {
virt_text = true;
virt_text_pos = "eol";
neogit = {
enable = true;
settings.graph_style = "unicode";
# Language specific tools
markdown-preview.enable = true;
ts-autotag.enable = true;
Reference in a new issue