# Getting around REALLY FAST { pkgs, ... }: { plugins = { telescope = { enable = true; extensions = { ui-select = { enable = true; settings = { codeactions = true; }; }; media-files = { enable = true; settings = { filetypes = [ "png" "webp" "jpg" "jpeg" "mp4" "svg" "pdf" "mov" "mkv" "avi" ]; find_cmd = "rg"; }; dependencies = { imageMagick.enable = true; pdftoppm.enable = true; ffmpegthumbnailer.enable = true; }; }; }; }; oil = { enable = true; # because combinePlugins.enable = true, the collision of `doc` is # unavoidable. this renames them. package = pkgs.vimPlugins.oil-nvim.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: { postInstall = (oldAttrs.postInstall or "") + '' mv $out/doc/recipes.md $out/doc/oil_recipes.md ''; }); settings = { keymaps = { "J" = "actions.parent"; "Q" = "actions.close"; "" = "actions.select_split"; "" = "actions.refresh"; "" = "actions.preview"; "" = "actions.select_vsplit"; "" = "actions.select_tab"; "" = "actions.select"; "K" = "actions.select"; _ = "actions.open_cwd"; "`" = "actions.cd"; "g." = "actions.toggle_hidden"; "g?" = "actions.show_help"; "g\\" = "actions.toggle_trash"; gs = "actions.change_sort"; gx = "actions.open_external"; "~" = "actions.tcd"; }; use_default_keymaps = false; }; }; harpoon = { enable = true; keymaps = { addFile = "hh"; cmdToggleQuickMenu = "hm"; gotoTerminal = { "1" = "ht"; "2" = "h2"; "3" = "h3"; "4" = "h4"; }; navFile = { "1" = "j"; "2" = "k"; "3" = "l"; "4" = ";"; "5" = "1"; "6" = "2"; "7" = "3"; "8" = "4"; }; navNext = "]"; navPrev = "["; toggleQuickMenu = "hk"; }; }; }; }