mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 21:01:11 -07:00
120 lines
2.7 KiB
120 lines
2.7 KiB
# Quality of life plugins
{ pkgs, inputs, ... }:
extraPackages = with pkgs; [
plugins = {
zen-mode.enable = true;
direnv.enable = true;
intellitab.enable = true;
sleuth.enable = true;
comment.enable = true;
vim-bbye.enable = true;
indent-blankline.enable = true;
which-key = {
enable = true;
settings.delay = 1000;
nvim-autopairs.enable = true;
yanky = {
enable = true;
enableTelescope = true;
trouble.enable = true;
barbecue.enable = true;
undotree.enable = true;
lualine = {
enable = true;
settings = {
sections = {
lualine_a = [ "branch" ];
lualine_b = [
__unkeyed-1 = {
__raw = ''
return require('lsp-progress').progress()
lualine_c = [
lualine_x = [
lualine_y = [
lualine_z = [ "location" ];
options = {
globalstatus = true;
disabled_filetypes = [
section_separators = {
left = "";
right = "";
crates-nvim.enable = true;
# git stuff
gitsigns = {
enable = true;
settings = {
current_line_blame_opts = {
virt_text = true;
virt_text_pos = "eol";
neogit = {
enable = true;
settings = {
graph_style = "unicode";
integrations = {
diffview = true;
telescope = true;
diffview.enable = true;
# The greatest QoL plugin of all time. Renders codeblocks, formatting, etc
# in LSP popup buffers too. GUI users will never flex on you with their
# typesetting again!
markdown-preview.enable = true;
# Language specific tools
ts-autotag.enable = true;
extraPlugins = [
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "satellite.nvim";
src = inputs.satellite;
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "render-markdown.nvim";
src = inputs.render-markdown;
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "lsp-progress.nvim";
src = inputs.lsp-progress;
(pkgs.vimUtils.buildVimPlugin {
name = "cellular-automaton.nvim";
src = inputs.cellular-automaton;