- 👋 Hi. I'm Youwen. -
-a student.
-a programmer.
-a math enthusiast.
-a musician.
-a hacker.
Building free and open source software.
- - I'm currently reading through Linear Algebra Done Wrong, by Sergei Treil. I'm syncing my notes and problem set solutions to a - public git repository here. - -
- - I'm working on a dotfile manager for people who want a dotfile manager, but don't want - to manage dotfiles for their dotfile manager (in other words, with minimal - configuration). - -
- I'm still trying to understand Haskell. -
- Check out my blog where I write about code, math, games, and other hacks I do. It's built with Haskell.
+ sh-5.2$
+ I'm a first-year studying math at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Before that, I built robots with
+ Team 1280. In my spare time, I hack on
+ free software and open source.
+ sh-5.2$ ls -l /home/youwen
+ All systems normal.
Failures detected. Probing for status...👋 Hi. I'm Youwen.
+ uname -a
+ Some cool links from home and around the web:
- + Use NixOS and want to try Zen Browser? I got a flake for that. + +