mirror of
synced 2025-02-20 02:01:10 -08:00
refactor: complete modularization
introduce Workers, Cache modules and shuffle around some existing functions
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 131 additions and 105 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module Cache where
import Const (cacheFile, logFile, prog)
import Sugar (killall, failure)
import Data.List.Extra ((!?))
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.Directory (
XdgDirectory(XdgCache, XdgConfig),
createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, getXdgDirectory
import Control.Exception (catch)
pathToCache :: String -> IO String
pathToCache str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgCache prog
pathToConfig :: String -> IO String
pathToConfig str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgConfig prog
readCache :: IO (Maybe (Double, Double, String))
readCache = do
cache <- pathToCache cacheFile
contents <- readFile cache
let entries = lines contents
case (entries !? 0, entries !? 1, entries !? 2) of
(Just lat, Just lon, Just tz) -> return (Just (read lat, read lon, tz))
_ -> return Nothing
dumpCache :: Double -> Double -> String -> IO (Double, Double)
dumpCache lat lon tz = do
cache <- pathToCache cacheFile
catch (writer cache) failure
return (lat, lon)
where writer dir = writeFile dir (show lat ++ "\n" ++ show lon ++ "\n" ++ tz)
start :: IO ()
start = do
logs <- pathToCache logFile
existsLog <- doesFileExist logs
if existsLog then do
contents <- readFile logs
(sequence_ . killall . lines) contents
else createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory logs)
finish :: String -> IO ()
finish queue = do
cache <- pathToCache logFile
catch (writeFile cache num) failure
getId = head . words . last . lines
num = getId queue
@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ query = "http://ip-api.com/line/?fields=status,lat,lon,timezone"
prog :: String
prog = "suntheme"
cacheFile :: String
cacheFile = "data.txt"
logFile :: String
logFile = "log.txt"
lightModeScript :: String
lightModeScript = "light.sh"
@ -1,17 +1,7 @@
module Getters where
import Const (prog)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import System.Directory (XdgDirectory(XdgCache, XdgConfig), getXdgDirectory)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, try)
import Network.HTTP.Request (Response, get)
pathToCache :: String -> IO String
pathToCache str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgCache prog
pathToConfig :: String -> IO String
pathToConfig str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgConfig prog
fetch :: String -> IO (Either SomeException Response)
fetch = try . get
@ -5,37 +5,29 @@
module Main where
import Pure (buildCmd, readLines)
import Time (activateOnSunrise, sunriseNow, sunsetNow)
import Const (darkModeScript, lightModeScript, query)
import Sugar (continue, crash, destruct, exec, killall)
import Pure (readLines)
import Cache (dumpCache, start)
import Const (query)
import Sugar (continue, destruct)
import Types (ResponseCode(..), ResponseMsg(..), genericErr, toResponseMsg)
import Getters (fetch, pathToCache, pathToConfig)
import Getters (fetch)
import Workers (backupRunner, prepareScripts)
import Data.List.Extra ((!?))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (unpack)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)
import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist)
import Control.Exception (SomeException, catch)
import Network.HTTP.Request (Response(responseBody, responseStatus))
-- error handling
-- refactor into modules
-- clean up jank (reduce lines in functions, more atomic/functional, etc)
-- clean up jank (
-- create types,
-- more pure functions,
-- reduce lines in functions,
-- more atomic/functional,
-- etc
-- )
-- eliminate as many do blocks as possible
-- introduce liquid types and checking
-- whitepaper!
ping :: (Response -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
ping run err = do
res <- fetch query
case res of
Left e -> continue (toResponseMsg e) err
Right r ->
let status = (ResponseCode . responseStatus) r
runner = run r
in destruct status runner err
process :: Response -> (Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
process r run err =
case info of
@ -49,80 +41,22 @@ process r run err =
parts = (lines . unpack) body
info = (readLines . take 4) parts
dumpCache :: Double -> Double -> String -> IO ()
dumpCache lat lon tz = do
cache <- pathToCache "data.txt"
catch (writer cache) failure
prepareScripts lat lon
writer dir = writeFile dir (show lat ++ "\n" ++ show lon ++ "\n" ++ tz)
failure = print :: SomeException -> IO ()
readCache :: IO (Maybe (Double, Double, String))
readCache = do
cache <- pathToCache "data.txt"
contents <- readFile cache
let entries = lines contents
case (entries !? 0, entries !? 1, entries !? 2) of
(Just lat, Just lon, Just tz) -> return (Just (read lat, read lon, tz))
_ -> return Nothing
processRunner :: Response -> IO ()
processRunner r = process r dumpCache backupRunner
processRunner r = process r run backupRunner
where run lat lon tz = dumpCache lat lon tz >>= prepareScripts
backupRunner :: IO ()
backupRunner = do
contents <- readCache
case contents of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "Failed to read cache after IP location failed"
Just (lat, lon, _) -> prepareScripts lat lon
start :: IO () -> IO ()
start act = do
logFile <- pathToCache "log.txt"
existsLog <- doesFileExist logFile
if existsLog then do
contents <- readFile logFile
let entries = lines contents
(sequence_ . killall) entries
else createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory logFile)
finish :: String -> IO ()
finish queue = do
cache <- pathToCache "log.txt"
catch (writeFile cache num) failure
num = getId queue
getId = head . words . last . lines
failure = print :: SomeException -> IO ()
prepareScripts :: Double -> Double -> IO ()
prepareScripts lat lon = do
sunriseTime <- sunriseNow lat lon
sunsetTime <- sunsetNow lat lon
lightMode <- activateOnSunrise sunriseTime sunsetTime
_ <- if lightMode then do
putStr "Light mode activation script scheduled for "
print sunriseTime
script <- pathToConfig lightModeScript
exec (buildCmd script sunriseTime) terminate
else do
putStrLn "Dark mode activation script scheduled for "
print sunsetTime
script <- pathToConfig darkModeScript
exec (buildCmd script sunsetTime) terminate
queue <- exec "atq" noQueue
finish queue
terminate _ = print "Scheduling process failed" >> return ""
noQueueMsg = "Scheduled process could not be retrieved (try rerunning if 'atq' fails)"
noQueue _ = print noQueueMsg >> return ""
ping :: (Response -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
ping run err = do
res <- fetch query
case res of
Left e -> continue (toResponseMsg e) err
Right r ->
let status = (ResponseCode . responseStatus) r
runner = run r
in destruct status runner err
routine :: IO ()
routine = ping processRunner backupRunner
main :: IO ()
main = start routine
main = start >> routine
@ -13,10 +13,13 @@ throw e = print e >> return mempty
continue :: (Status s) => s -> IO () -> IO ()
continue e err = (putStrLn . disp) e >> err
failure :: SomeException -> IO ()
failure = print
destruct :: (Status s) => s -> IO () -> IO () -> IO ()
destruct status success failure
destruct status success unsuccessful
| ok status = success
| otherwise = continue status failure
| otherwise = continue status unsuccessful
crash :: IO ()
crash = (exitWith . ExitFailure) 1
@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Time where
import Pure (sunriseNext)
import Pure (buildCmd, sunriseNext)
import Cache (pathToConfig)
import Const (darkModeScript, lightModeScript)
import Sugar (exec)
import Data.Time (ZonedTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Solar (Location(Location), sunrise, sunset)
@ -26,3 +29,16 @@ sunsetNow lat lon = do
activateOnSunrise :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> IO Bool
activateOnSunrise sunriseTime sunsetTime = sunriseNext sunriseTime sunsetTime <$> now
activate :: String -> ZonedTime -> String -> IO String
activate msg time script = do
putStr msg
print time
scriptPath <- pathToConfig script
exec (buildCmd scriptPath time) terminate
where terminate _ = print "Scheduling process failed" >> return ""
chooseActivation :: Bool -> ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> IO String
chooseActivation lightMode sunriseTime sunsetTime
| lightMode = activate "Light mode activation script scheduled for " sunriseTime lightModeScript
| otherwise = activate "Dark mode activation script scheduled for " sunsetTime darkModeScript
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
module Workers where
import Time (chooseActivation, activateOnSunrise, sunriseNow, sunsetNow)
import Cache (finish, readCache)
import Sugar (crash, exec)
prepareScripts :: (Double, Double) -> IO ()
prepareScripts (lat, lon) = do
sunriseTime <- sunriseNow lat lon
sunsetTime <- sunsetNow lat lon
lightMode <- activateOnSunrise sunriseTime sunsetTime
_ <- chooseActivation lightMode sunriseTime sunsetTime
queue <- exec "atq" noQueue
finish queue
noQueueMsg = "Scheduled process could not be retrieved (try rerunning if 'atq' fails)"
noQueue _ = print noQueueMsg >> return ""
backupRunner :: IO ()
backupRunner = do
contents <- readCache
case contents of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "Failed to read cache after IP location failed"
Just (lat, lon, _) -> prepareScripts (lat, lon)
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ executable suntheme
main-is: Main.hs
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
other-modules: Types, Const, Pure, Time, Sugar, Getters
other-modules: Types, Const, Pure, Time, Sugar, Getters, Cache, Workers
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions:
Reference in a new issue