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synced 2024-11-28 11:03:50 -08:00
introduce Workers, Cache modules and shuffle around some existing functions
44 lines
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44 lines
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module Time where
import Pure (buildCmd, sunriseNext)
import Cache (pathToConfig)
import Const (darkModeScript, lightModeScript)
import Sugar (exec)
import Data.Time (ZonedTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Solar (Location(Location), sunrise, sunset)
import Data.Time.LocalTime (getTimeZone, utcToZonedTime)
now :: IO ZonedTime
now = do
utcTime <- getCurrentTime
timeZone <- getTimeZone utcTime
return (utcToZonedTime timeZone utcTime)
sunriseNow :: Double -> Double -> IO ZonedTime
sunriseNow lat lon = do
time <- now
return (sunrise time here)
where here = Location lat lon
sunsetNow :: Double -> Double -> IO ZonedTime
sunsetNow lat lon = do
time <- now
return (sunset time here)
where here = Location lat lon
activateOnSunrise :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> IO Bool
activateOnSunrise sunriseTime sunsetTime = sunriseNext sunriseTime sunsetTime <$> now
activate :: String -> ZonedTime -> String -> IO String
activate msg time script = do
putStr msg
print time
scriptPath <- pathToConfig script
exec (buildCmd scriptPath time) terminate
where terminate _ = print "Scheduling process failed" >> return ""
chooseActivation :: Bool -> ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> IO String
chooseActivation lightMode sunriseTime sunsetTime
| lightMode = activate "Light mode activation script scheduled for " sunriseTime lightModeScript
| otherwise = activate "Dark mode activation script scheduled for " sunsetTime darkModeScript