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module Cache where
import Const (cacheFile, logFile, prog)
import Sugar (killall, failure)
import Data.List.Extra ((!?))
import System.FilePath ((</>), takeDirectory)
import System.Directory (
XdgDirectory(XdgCache, XdgConfig),
createDirectoryIfMissing, doesFileExist, getXdgDirectory
import Control.Exception (catch)
pathToCache :: String -> IO String
pathToCache str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgCache prog
pathToConfig :: String -> IO String
pathToConfig str = (</> str) <$> getXdgDirectory XdgConfig prog
readCache :: IO (Maybe (Double, Double, String))
readCache = do
cache <- pathToCache cacheFile
contents <- readFile cache
let entries = lines contents
case (entries !? 0, entries !? 1, entries !? 2) of
(Just lat, Just lon, Just tz) -> return (Just (read lat, read lon, tz))
_ -> return Nothing
dumpCache :: Double -> Double -> String -> IO (Double, Double)
dumpCache lat lon tz = do
cache <- pathToCache cacheFile
catch (writer cache) failure
return (lat, lon)
where writer dir = writeFile dir (show lat ++ "\n" ++ show lon ++ "\n" ++ tz)
start :: IO ()
start = do
logs <- pathToCache logFile
existsLog <- doesFileExist logs
if existsLog then do
contents <- readFile logs
(sequence_ . killall . lines) contents
else createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory logs)
finish :: String -> IO ()
finish queue = do
cache <- pathToCache logFile
catch (writeFile cache num) failure
getId = head . words . last . lines
num = getId queue