
243 lines
9.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-10-09 17:13:16 -07:00
return {
2024-10-10 00:48:10 -07:00
event = "BufEnter",
after = function()
-- for keymap, all values may be string | string[]
-- use an empty table to disable a keymap
keymap = {
show = "<C-space>",
hide = "<C-e>",
accept = "<Tab>",
select_prev = { "<Up>", "<C-p>" },
select_next = { "<Down>", "<C-n>" },
show_documentation = {},
hide_documentation = {},
scroll_documentation_up = "<C-b>",
scroll_documentation_down = "<C-f>",
snippet_forward = "<Tab>",
snippet_backward = "<S-Tab>",
accept = {
create_undo_point = true,
auto_brackets = {
enabled = false,
default_brackets = { "(", ")" },
override_brackets_for_filetypes = {},
-- Overrides the default blocked filetypes
force_allow_filetypes = {},
blocked_filetypes = {},
-- Synchronously use the kind of the item to determine if brackets should be added
kind_resolution = {
enabled = true,
blocked_filetypes = { "typescript", "typescriptreact", "javascript", "javascriptreact", "vue" },
-- Asynchronously use semantic token to determine if brackets should be added
semantic_token_resolution = {
enabled = true,
blocked_filetypes = {},
trigger = {
completion = {
-- regex used to get the text when fuzzy matching
-- changing this may break some sources, so please report if you run into issues
-- todo: shouldnt this also affect the accept command? should this also be per language?
keyword_regex = "[%w_\\-]",
-- LSPs can indicate when to show the completion window via trigger characters
-- however, some LSPs (*cough* tsserver *cough*) return characters that would essentially
-- always show the window. We block these by default
blocked_trigger_characters = { " ", "\n", "\t" },
-- when true, will show the completion window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
show_on_insert_on_trigger_character = true,
signature_help = {
enabled = false,
blocked_trigger_characters = {},
blocked_retrigger_characters = {},
-- when true, will show the signature help window when the cursor comes after a trigger character when entering insert mode
show_on_insert_on_trigger_character = true,
fuzzy = {
-- frencency tracks the most recently/frequently used items and boosts the score of the item
use_frecency = true,
-- proximity bonus boosts the score of items with a value in the buffer
use_proximity = true,
max_items = 200,
-- controls which sorts to use and in which order, these three are currently the only allowed options
sorts = { "label", "kind", "score" },
prebuiltBinaries = {
-- Whether or not to automatically download a prebuilt binary from github. If this is set to `false`
-- you will need to manually build the fuzzy binary dependencies by running `cargo build --release`
download = false,
-- When downloading a prebuilt binary force the downloader to resolve this version. If this is uset
-- then the downloader will attempt to infer the version from the checked out git tag (if any).
-- Beware that if the FFI ABI changes while tracking main then this may result in blink breaking.
forceVersion = nil,
sources = {
-- similar to nvim-cmp's sources, but we point directly to the source's lua module
-- multiple groups can be provided, where it'll fallback to the next group if the previous
-- returns no completion items
-- WARN: This API will have breaking changes during the beta
providers = {
{ "blink.cmp.sources.lsp" },
{ "blink.cmp.sources.path" },
{ "blink.cmp.sources.snippets", score_offset = -3 },
{ { "blink.cmp.sources.buffer" } },
-- FOR REF: full example
providers = {
-- all of these properties work on every source
keyword_length = 0,
score_offset = 0,
trigger_characters = { "f", "o", "o" },
opts = {},
2024-10-09 17:13:16 -07:00
2024-10-10 00:48:10 -07:00
-- the follow two sources have additional options
opts = {
trailing_slash = false,
label_trailing_slash = true,
get_cwd = function(context)
return vim.fn.expand(("#%d:p:h"):format(context.bufnr))
show_hidden_files_by_default = true,
2024-10-09 17:13:16 -07:00
2024-10-10 00:48:10 -07:00
score_offset = -3,
-- similar to
opts = {
friendly_snippets = true,
search_paths = { vim.fn.stdpath("config") .. "/snippets" },
global_snippets = { "all" },
extended_filetypes = {},
ignored_filetypes = {},
2024-10-09 17:13:16 -07:00
2024-10-10 00:48:10 -07:00
{ { "blink.cmp.sources.buffer" } },
windows = {
autocomplete = {
min_width = 30,
max_width = 60,
max_height = 10,
border = "none",
winhighlight = "Normal:BlinkCmpMenu,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpMenuBorder,CursorLine:BlinkCmpMenuSelection,Search:None",
-- keep the cursor X lines away from the top/bottom of the window
scrolloff = 2,
-- which directions to show the window,
-- falling back to the next direction when there's not enough space
direction_priority = { "s", "n" },
-- whether to preselect the first item in the completion list
preselect = true,
-- Controls how the completion items are rendered on the popup window
-- 'simple' will render the item's kind icon the left alongside the label
-- 'reversed' will render the label on the left and the kind icon + name on the right
-- 'function(blink.cmp.CompletionRenderContext): blink.cmp.Component[]' for custom rendering
draw = "simple",
-- Controls the cycling behavior when reaching the beginning or end of the completion list.
cycle = {
-- When `true`, calling `select_next` at the *bottom* of the completion list will select the *first* completion item.
from_bottom = true,
-- When `true`, calling `select_prev` at the *top* of the completion list will select the *last* completion item.
from_top = true,
documentation = {
min_width = 10,
max_width = 60,
max_height = 20,
border = "padded",
winhighlight = "Normal:BlinkCmpDoc,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpDocBorder,CursorLine:BlinkCmpDocCursorLine,Search:None",
-- which directions to show the documentation window,
-- for each of the possible autocomplete window directions,
-- falling back to the next direction when there's not enough space
direction_priority = {
autocomplete_north = { "e", "w", "n", "s" },
autocomplete_south = { "e", "w", "s", "n" },
auto_show = true,
auto_show_delay_ms = 500,
update_delay_ms = 100,
signature_help = {
min_width = 1,
max_width = 100,
max_height = 10,
border = "padded",
winhighlight = "Normal:BlinkCmpSignatureHelp,FloatBorder:BlinkCmpSignatureHelpBorder",
highlight = {
ns = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace("blink_cmp"),
-- sets the fallback highlight groups to nvim-cmp's highlight groups
-- useful for when your theme doesn't support blink.cmp
-- will be removed in a future release, assuming themes add support
use_nvim_cmp_as_default = false,
-- set to 'mono' for 'Nerd Font Mono' or 'normal' for 'Nerd Font'
-- adjusts spacing to ensure icons are aligned
nerd_font_variant = "normal",
kind_icons = {
Text = "󰉿",
Method = "󰊕",
Function = "󰊕",
Constructor = "󰒓",
Field = "󰜢",
Variable = "󰆦",
Property = "󰖷",
Class = "󱡠",
Interface = "󱡠",
Struct = "󱡠",
Module = "󰅩",
Unit = "󰪚",
Value = "󰦨",
Enum = "󰦨",
EnumMember = "󰦨",
Keyword = "󰻾",
Constant = "󰏿",
Snippet = "󱄽",
Color = "󰏘",
File = "󰈔",
Reference = "󰬲",
Folder = "󰉋",
Event = "󱐋",
Operator = "󰪚",
TypeParameter = "󰬛",
2024-10-09 17:13:16 -07:00