-- [nfnl] Compiled from ./fnl/plugins/lsp-progress.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local function _1_() local function _2_(client_name, spinner, series_messages) if (#series_messages == 0) then return nil else end return {body = (spinner .. " " .. table.concat(series_messages, ", ")), name = client_name} end local function _4_(client_messages) local function stringify(name, msg) return ((msg and string.format("%s %s", name, msg)) or name) end local sign = "\243\176\134\167" local lsp_clients = vim.lsp.get_clients() local messages_map = {} for _, climsg in ipairs(client_messages) do messages_map[climsg.name] = climsg.body end if (#lsp_clients > 0) then local function _5_(a, b) return (a.name < b.name) end table.sort(lsp_clients, _5_) local builder = {} for _, cli in ipairs(lsp_clients) do if (((type(cli) == "table") and (type(cli.name) == "string")) and (string.len(cli.name) > 0)) then if messages_map[cli.name] then table.insert(builder, stringify(cli.name, messages_map[cli.name])) else table.insert(builder, stringify(cli.name)) end else end end if (#builder > 0) then local ___antifnl_rtn_1___ = (sign .. " " .. table.concat(builder, ", ")) return ___antifnl_rtn_1___ else end else end return "" end return require("lsp-progress").setup({client_format = _2_, format = _4_}) end return {"lsp-progress.nvim", after = _1_, event = "LspAttach"}