{ description = "A Neovim configuration for the stubborn Nixian hacker"; inputs = { nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixpkgs-unstable"; nixCats.url = "github:BirdeeHub/nixCats-nvim"; plugins-blink-ripgrep = { url = "github:mikavilpas/blink-ripgrep.nvim"; flake = false; }; }; outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixCats, ... }@inputs: let inherit (nixCats) utils; luaPath = "${./.}"; forEachSystem = utils.eachSystem nixpkgs.lib.platforms.all; extra_pkg_config = { # allowUnfree = true; }; inherit (forEachSystem ( system: let dependencyOverlays = (import ./nix/overlays.nix) ++ [ # This overlay grabs all the inputs named in the format # `plugins-` # Once we add this overlay to our nixpkgs, we are able to # use `pkgs.neovimPlugins`, which is a set of our plugins. (utils.standardPluginOverlay inputs) # add any flake overlays here. ]; in # these overlays will be wrapped with ${system} # and we will call the same utils.eachSystem function # later on to access them. { inherit dependencyOverlays; } )) dependencyOverlays ; # see :help nixCats.flake.outputs.categories # and # :help nixCats.flake.outputs.categoryDefinitions.scheme categoryDefinitions = { pkgs, settings, categories, name, ... }@packageDef: { # lspsAndRuntimeDeps: this section is for dependencies that should be # available at RUN TIME for plugins. Will be available to PATH within # neovim terminal this includes LSPs lspsAndRuntimeDeps = { general = with pkgs; [ # essential ripgrep python312Packages.pylatexenc fd # lsps (minimal because should be provided per-project by nix) nixd tinymist # formatters nixfmt-rfc-style nodePackages_latest.prettier taplo typstyle rustfmt black stylua marksman ]; }; # install lz.n and treesitter grammars startupPlugins = { gitPlugins = with pkgs.neovimPlugins; [ ]; general = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ lz-n (nvim-treesitter.withPlugins ( p: (with p; [ lua c javascript typescript rust haskell typst latex nix json toml yaml markdown markdown_inline svelte css html vim bash make gitcommit jsonc meson nu tsx ]) )) # for some reason trigger_load still fails to load this in the # proper order telescope-ui-select-nvim ]; }; # plugins which are installed, but not loaded, and will be handled by # lz.n (not necessarily lazy loaded) optionalPlugins = { gitPlugins = with pkgs.neovimPlugins; [ blink-ripgrep ]; general = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ nvim-autopairs nvim-lspconfig which-key-nvim telescope-nvim markdown-preview-nvim render-markdown-nvim rose-pine nvim-web-devicons oil-nvim harpoon2 toggleterm-nvim trouble-nvim lualine-nvim mini-ai mini-hipatterns mini-surround mini-starter mini-trailspace cellular-automaton-nvim indent-blankline-nvim fidget-nvim mini-bufremove neogit gitsigns-nvim diffview-nvim barbecue-nvim undotree conform-nvim neocord rustaceanvim crates-nvim haskell-tools-nvim vim-wakatime lsp_lines-nvim vim-sleuth typescript-tools-nvim texpresso-vim blink-cmp clangd_extensions-nvim tailwind-tools-nvim typst-preview-nvim lsp-progress-nvim lazydev-nvim obsidian-nvim ]; }; # shared libraries to be added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH # variable available to nvim runtime sharedLibraries = { general = with pkgs; [ # libgit2 ]; }; }; packageDefinitions = { nvim = { pkgs, ... }: { settings = { wrapRc = true; aliases = [ "vim" "vi" ]; }; categories = { general = true; gitPlugins = true; customPlugins = true; bin = { websocat = "${pkgs.websocat}/bin/websocat"; tinymist = "${pkgs.tinymist}/bin/tinymist"; texpresso = "${pkgs.texpresso}/bin/texpresso"; }; nixdExtras = { nixpkgs = inputs.nixpkgs.outPath; flake-path = inputs.self.outPath; system = pkgs.system; }; }; }; }; defaultPackageName = "nvim"; in forEachSystem ( system: let nixCatsBuilder = utils.baseBuilder luaPath { inherit nixpkgs system dependencyOverlays extra_pkg_config ; } categoryDefinitions packageDefinitions; defaultPackage = nixCatsBuilder defaultPackageName; pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; }; in { packages = utils.mkAllWithDefault defaultPackage; devShells = { default = pkgs.mkShell { name = defaultPackageName; packages = [ defaultPackage ] ++ (with pkgs; [ lua-language-server nixfmt-rfc-style stylua ]); }; }; formatter = pkgs.treefmt; } ) // { overlays = utils.makeOverlays luaPath { inherit nixpkgs dependencyOverlays extra_pkg_config; } categoryDefinitions packageDefinitions defaultPackageName; nixosModules.default = utils.mkNixosModules { inherit defaultPackageName dependencyOverlays luaPath categoryDefinitions packageDefinitions extra_pkg_config nixpkgs ; }; homeModule = utils.mkHomeModules { inherit defaultPackageName dependencyOverlays luaPath categoryDefinitions packageDefinitions extra_pkg_config nixpkgs ; }; inherit utils; inherit (utils) templates; }; }