-- [nfnl] Compiled from ./fnl/scripts/intellitab.fnl by https://github.com/Olical/nfnl, do not edit. local v = vim.api local treesitter = require("nvim-treesitter") local function get_line_indent(line, sw) local indent = 0 for c in line:gmatch("%s") do if (c == "\t") then indent = (indent + sw) else indent = (indent + 1) end end return indent end local function indent() local cursor = v.nvim_win_get_cursor(0) local line = v.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, (cursor[1] - 1), cursor[1], false)[1] local indentexpr = v.nvim_get_option_value("indentexpr", {buf = 0}) local expand = v.nvim_get_option_value("expandtab", {buf = 0}) local shiftwidth = v.nvim_eval("shiftwidth()") local tab_char = v.nvim_replace_termcodes("<Tab>", true, true, true) local indent_goal = nil if ((treesitter ~= nil) and (treesitter.get_indent ~= nil)) then indent_goal = treesitter.get_indent(line) else end if ((indent_goal == nil) or (indent_goal < 0)) then if (indentexpr ~= "") then indent_goal = v.nvim_eval(indentexpr) elseif v.nvim_get_option_value("cindent", {buf = 0}) then indent_goal = v.nvim_call_function("cindent", {cursor[1]}) else indent_goal = v.nvim_call_function("indent", {cursor[1]}) end else end if ((indent_goal == ( - 1)) and (cursor[1] ~= 1)) then local prev_line = v.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, (cursor[1] - 2), (cursor[1] - 1), false)[1] indent_goal = get_line_indent(prev_line, shiftwidth) else end v.nvim_win_set_cursor(0, cursor) if ((((cursor[2] == 0) and (line == "")) and (indent_goal ~= nil)) and (indent_goal > 0)) then local i = 0 while (i < indent_goal) do if expand then v.nvim_feedkeys(" ", "n", true) i = (i + 1) else v.nvim_feedkeys(tab_char, "n", true) i = (i + shiftwidth) end end return print(i, indent_goal) else return v.nvim_feedkeys(tab_char, "n", true) end end return {indent = indent}