[$P$], [$Q$], [$not P$], [$not Q$], [$not P and not Q$],
[T], [T], [F], [F], [F],
[T], [F], [F], [T], [F],
[F], [T], [T], [F], [F],
[F], [F], [T], [T], [T],
) \
j. $(P and Q) or (P and R)$
align: center,
columns: 6,
[$P$], [$Q$], [$R$], [$P and Q$], [$P and R$], [$(P and Q) or (P and R)$],
[T], [T], [T], [T], [T], [T],
[T], [F], [T], [F], [T], [T],
[T], [T], [F], [T], [F], [T],
[T], [F], [F], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [T], [T], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [F], [T], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [T], [F], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [F], [F], [F], [F], [F],
) \
L. $(P and Q) or (P and not S)$
align: center,
columns: 7,
[$not S$],
[$P and Q$],
[$P and not S$],
[$(P and Q) or (P and not S)$],
[T], [T], [T], [F], [T], [F], [T],
[T], [F], [T], [F], [F], [F], [F],
[T], [T], [F], [T], [T], [T], [T],
[T], [F], [F], [T], [F], [T], [T],
[F], [T], [T], [F], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [F], [T], [F], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [T], [F], [T], [F], [F], [F],
[F], [F], [F], [T], [F], [F], [F],
4. \
c. $(P or Q) and (R or S)$ is true. \
d. $(not P or not Q) or (not R or not S)$ is true. \
e. $not P or not Q$ is false. \
f. $(not Q or S) and (Q or S)$ is false. \
h. $K and not (S or Q)$ is false.
6. \
a. $not P and not Q$, $not (P and not Q)$ are not equivalent because we can choose $P$ and $Q$ to both be true which gives false for proposition 1 and true for proposition 2. \
b. $(not P) or (not Q), not (P or not Q)$ are not equivalent because we can choose $P$ to be true and $Q$ to be false, and proposition 1 is true while proposition 2 is false. \
Clearly the choices of $P$ and $Q$ are false, $R$ is true again yields a contradictory result where proposition 1 is true while proposition 2 is false.
d. $not (P and Q), not P and not Q$ \
The statements are not equivalent.
By DeMorgan's,
$ not (P and Q) = not P or not Q $
Therefore, choosing $P,Q$ with $P != Q$ gives a contradictory result between the two propositions.
e. $(P and Q) or R, P or (Q and R)$
They are not equivalent.
Symbolic manipulation gives
(P and Q) or R &= (P or R) and (Q or R) \
P or (Q and R) &= (P or Q) and (P or R)
Then select the conjunctive statement in parentheses that occurs
exclusively in one of the statements and set both of its propositions to
false. In this case we take $Q$ and $R$ false while $P$ is true, which
makes proposition 1 false while proposition 2 is true.
f. $(P and Q) or P, P$
They are equivalent, trivially. Clearly $Q$ is independent of the outcome's truth value which only depends on $P$.
7. \
c. Julius Caesar was born in 1492 or 1493 and died in 1776. \
This proposition is of the form $(P or Q) and R$, where
P &= #[Caesar was born in 1492] \
Q &= #[Caesar was born in 1493] \
R &= #[Caesar died in 1776] \
It is false, clearly, as Caesar certainly could not have died in 1776.
g. It is not the case that $-5$ and $13$ are elements of $NN$, but $4$ is in the set of rational numbers.
This proposition takes the form $not (P and Q) and R$, where
P &= -5 in NN \
Q &= 13 in NN \
R &= 4 in QQ
It is true, since $P$ is false, $Q$ is true, $R$ is true, which implies $not
(P and Q)$ is true, thus making the proposition as a whole true.