auto-update(nvim): 2025-02-05 01:15:42
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Youwen Wu 2025-02-05 01:15:43 -08:00
parent b329bd3a23
commit dc49fba1f8
Signed by: youwen5
GPG key ID: 865658ED1FE61EC3
2 changed files with 256 additions and 341 deletions

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@ -1,341 +0,0 @@
#import "@preview/ctheorems:1.1.3": *
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show outline.entry: it => {
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show std.bibliography: pad.with(x: 0.5pt)
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weight: "semibold",
fill: color,
#let thmname(t, color: rgb("#000000")) = {
return text(font: "Libertinus Serif", fill: color)[(#t)]
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color: rgb("#000000"),
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titlefmt: thmtitle.with(color: color.darken(30%)),
bodyfmt: thmtext.with(color: color.darken(70%)),
namefmt: thmname.with(color: color.darken(30%)),
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shadow: (offset: (x: 2pt, y: 2pt), color: luma(70%)),
#let exercise = problem-style("item", "Exercise")
#let problem = exercise
#let theorem-style = builder-thmbox(
shadow: (offset: (x: 3pt, y: 3pt), color: luma(70%)),
#let example-style = builder-thmbox(
shadow: (offset: (x: 3pt, y: 3pt), color: luma(70%)),
#let theorem = theorem-style("item", "Theorem")
#let lemma = theorem-style("item", "Lemma")
#let corollary = theorem-style("item", "Corollary")
#let definition-style = builder-thmline(color:
// #let definition = definition-style("definition", "Definition")
#let proposition = definition-style("item", "Proposition")
#let remark = definition-style("item", "Remark")
#let observation = definition-style("item", "Observation")
// #let example-style = builder-thmline(color:
#let example = example-style("item", "Example")
#let proof(body, name: none) = {
if name != none {
[ #thmname[#name]]
// Add a word-joiner so that the proof square and the last word before the
// 1fr spacing are kept together.
// Add a non-breaking space to ensure a minimum amount of space between the
// text and the proof square.
#let fact = thmplain(
titlefmt: content => [*#content.*],
namefmt: content => [_(#content)._],
separator: [],
inset: 0pt,
padding: (bottom: 0.5em, top: 0.5em),
#let abuse = thmplain(
"Abuse of Notation",
titlefmt: content => [*#content.*],
namefmt: content => [_(#content)._],
separator: [],
inset: 0pt,
padding: (bottom: 0.5em, top: 0.5em),
#let definition = thmplain(
titlefmt: content => [*#content.*],
namefmt: content => [_(#content)._],
separator: [],
inset: 0pt,
padding: (bottom: 0.5em, top: 0.5em),

View file

@ -530,3 +530,259 @@ We can find a few particular solutions to our ODE, but how can we find all of th
Now we have a system and we can solve it using standard linear algebra
= Principle of superposition, Wronskian complex roots
== Review
Second order ODE:
y'' = F(t,y,y')
y'' + p(t) y' + q(t) y = g(t)
y'' + p(t) y' + q(t) y = 0
Constant coefficients: $a y'' + b y' + c y = 0$, with characteristic equation
a r^2 + b r + c = 0
From this characteristic equation we determine either distinct real roots,
complex real roots, or repeated real roots. We already know what to do with
distinct real roots.
y'' + p(t) y' + q(t) y = 0
The linear combination
y(t) = c_1 y_1 (t) + c_2 y_2 (t)
is a solution for any constants $c_1, c_2$. The solutions from a vector space!
Key: equation is linear and homogenous.
Consider the linear, homogenous equation
y'' + 5y' + 6y = 0
We have two solutions:
y_1 (t) e^(-2t) + c_2 e^(-3t)
is a general solution. Are these all the solutions?
== The Wronskian
Given any initial values
y(t_0) y_0, y' (t_0) = y'_0
Substitute in:
c_1 y_1(t_0) + c_2 y_2(t_0) = y_0 \
c_1 y'_1 (t_0) + c_2 y'_2 (t_0) = y'_0 \
We have a linear system for $c_1, c_2$:
mat(c_1 y_1(t_0), c_2 y_2(t_0); c_1 y'_1 (t_0), c_2 y'_2 (t_0)) vec(c_1, c_2) = vec(y_0, y'_0)
The linear system has a unique solution provided the determinant of the
coefficient matrix is nonzero:
mat(y_1(t_0), y_2(t_0); y'_1(t_0), y'_2(t_0)) != 0
$ W = y_1(t_0) y'_2(t_0) - y_2(t_0) y'_1(t_0) != 0 $
This determinant $W$ is called the *Wronskian* of $y_1(t)$ and $y_2(t)$ at
the point $t_0$.
If $W != 0$ at some point $t_0$, then it is nonzero throughout the interval $I$ where the solution is defined.
To summarize our description of the solution space, if $y_1(t)$, $y_2(t)$ are two solutions of the linear homogenous ODE
y'' + p(t) y' + q(t) y = 0
such that $W(y_1, y_2)$, then the constants $c_1$, $c_2$ can be uniquely determined so that
y(t) = c_1 y_1(t) + c_2 y_2 (t)
satisfies any initial condition
y(t_0) = y_0, y'(t_0) = y'_0
$y(t)$ is the general solution.
== Solution space with constant coefficients, distinct real roots
Consider the 2nd order homogenous linear diffeq with constant coefficients.
a y'' + b y ' + c y = 0
Suppose the characteristic equation
a r^2 + b r + c = 0
has a pair of *distinct real roots* $r_1$, $r_2$. Then we have a pair of solutions
y_1(t) = e^(r_1 t), y_2(t) = e^(r_2 t)
Question: is this a fundamental set of solutions?
Check Wronskian.
W = det mat(y_1(t_0), y_2(t_0); y'_1(t_0), y'_2(t_0)) = det mat(e^(r_1 t_0), e^(r_2 t_0); r_1 e^(r_1 t_0), r_2 e^(r_2 t_0)) = e^(r_1 t_0) e^(r_2 t_0) (r_2 - r_1) != 0
since $r_1 != r_2$.
The Wronskian of our two solutions is $!= 0$ so the general solution is indeed
y(t) = c_1 e^(r_1 t) + c_2 e^(r_2 t)
== 2nd order linear homogenous ODE, complex roots
As usual consider
$ a y'' + b y' + c y = 0 $
with characteristic equation
a r^2 + b r + c = 0
If $b^2 - 4a c < 0$, then solutions are complex numbers:
r_1 = lambda + i_mu, r_2 = lambda - i_mu
lambda = -b / (2a), mu = sqrt(4 a c - b^2) / (2a) != 0
Complex solutions
z_1(t) = e^(r_1 t) = e^((lambda + i_mu) t) = e^(lambda t) e^(i_mu t), z_2(t) = e^(r_2 t)
What is $e^(i_mu t)$?
Euler's formula:
e^(i theta) = cos theta + i sin theta
Using Euler's formula we can write
z_1(t) = e^(r_1 t) = e^((lambda + i_mu) t) = e^(lambda t) e^(i_mu t) = e^(lambda t) [cos mu t + i sin mu t] \
z_2(t) = e^(r_2 t) = e^((lambda - i_mu) t) = e^(lambda t) e^(-i_mu t) = e^(lambda t) [cos mu t - i sin mu t]
y_1(t) = 1 / 2 [z_1(t) + z_2(t)] = e^(lambda t) cos mu t, "real part of" z_1(t) \
y_2(t) = 1 / (2i) [z_1(t) - z_2(t)] = e^(lambda t) sin mu t, "imaginary part of" z_1(t) \
By the superposition principle, they are solutions. Are they a fundamental set
of solutions? Are they a basis for the solution space?
Check the Wronskian:
We see that it is nonzero, therefore, when $b^2 - 4 a c < 0$, the equation
a y'' + b y' + c y = 0
has two real solutions
y_1(t) = e^(lambda t) cos mu t, y_2(t) = e^(lambda t) sin mu t
lambda = -b / (2a), mu = sqrt(4a c - b^2) / (2a) != 0
The Wronskian of these solutions is nonzero, so $y_1$ and $y_2$ are a fundamental set of solutions. The general solution of the equation is
y(t) = c_1 e^(lambda t) cos mu t + c_2 e^(lambda t) sin mu t
== Amplitude and phase angle
Given $c_1 cos(omega_0 t) + c_2 sin(omega_0 t)$, express it as a single cosine
function so we can graph it. Recall this formula:
cos(alpha - beta) = cos(alpha) cos(beta) + sin(alpha) sin(beta)
c_1 cos(omega_0 t) + c_2 sin(omega_0 t) \
= sqrt(c_1 ^2 + c_2 ^2) cos(omega_0 t - theta) = A cos(omega_0 t - theta)
where $A$ is the amplitude, $theta$ is the phase angle with $cos theta = (c_1)/sqrt(c_1^2 + c_2^2)$