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# Week 1
## Goldschmidt & Marashi Reading
- What is "middle east"?
- Nile Valley to Muslim lands of Central Asia
- Geography: hot + dry, rainfall but small
- Many farming villages found, however
- Polar ice caps retreated, rainfall diminished. People move to Nile, Tigris,
Euphrates, etc.
- Middle East more accessible than US, China, etc.
- Not endowed w/ nature; no grassy plains, scarce drinking water
- Meager mineral deposits
- Huge oil reserves (more than half of world's), but concentrated in few
countries: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Iraq, UAE
- Exploitation started in 20th century
- Mountains shield minorities in countries (eg. Lebanon, Yemen, Iran) while
invasions bring new races + culture into Middle East, resulting in cultural
"mosaic" - many physical characteristics, belief systems, languages, cultures
<!--- $9$ of ME is muslim, half / half speak Arabic / (Turkish, Persian)-->
- "Mosaic" starts to crumble - modern information age (schooling, TV, etc) lead
to universal culture (mostly) among young
- Cultural/religious difference persist -> conflicts. Muslims felt unequal to
Christians -> Lebanon civil wars
- Iraq -> Suni vs. Shi'a Muslims
- Israel -> 1.7 million Arabs in borders
- Gaza Strip -> occupied between 1967 -> 2005, invaded 2006, 2009, 2014,
contains 1.8 million Arabs. Jews (in Israel) divided between European or Asian
and African origin (Ashkenazim vs. Mizrachim / Orientals).
- Interaction between humans + geography important
- Main causes of ME conflict
1. Incomplete transfer from religious / theological government to secular
2. Resulting belief that governments are illegitimate, not willingly obeyed
3. Quest for dignity + freedom by people determined to not lose independence
4. Involvement of outside gov't without regard for the people in ME
5. Growing concentration of destructive weapons in volatile countries
6. Scarcity of / demand for food, water, fossil fuels
7. Overpopulation and widening inequality (wealth gap)
8. Failure to resolve Palestine-Israel
9. Sectarian / Ethnic tensions
10. Palestinian, Iraqi, Syrian, Yemeni refuges. Internal displacement.